"You either control your mind, or it controls you.”
Positive Affirmations: Napoleon Hill understood the power of the mind.
Napoleon Hill
Author of Think and Grow Rich

Welcome to the Best
Affirmations Site in the World!

affirmations for happiness: Affirmations can program your mind to see the good in your life, and to focus on that which truly matters.

This website is designed to improve every aspect of your life, and it’s all free!

Want more confidence? Just click on affirmations for confidenceWant to improve your health? Use affirmations for health and healingAre you suffering through a bad breakup with your ex? The affirmations found here and here will get you over the hump!

Everything you could ever need is right here, so bookmark this page, immediately! 

Read your affirmations at least once per day, preferably in the morning. I like to read them for 5 minutes straight, but the more time you spend, the better!

The affirmations come in 2 forms:


Whenever you see this button, click it to print your affirmations on paper! Keep it in a binder, or hang it somewhere within view.

Read it everyday while lying somewhere comfortable and quiet, for 5 minutes straight!

It’s best to use countdown timer. That way, you can focus 100% on what you’re reading, instead of frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

You can also hang these sheets on your bedroom wall, in the bathroom, or in your office. The more you see them, the more you’ll read them. 

After a short while, these thoughts will begin guiding your daily actions and improving your life in countless ways.

Positive Affirmations


Every set of affirmations I create has an associated video at the top. Watch any of these 5 minute videos, and be amazed at how much better you feel.

The affirmations found here are the same as on the PDF sheet, but the calming images and music provide a bonus effect. 

These videos are especially convenient for times when you don’t have your PDF sheets, but you do have access to a computer (or your phone).

Try it now!!! Watch the this video, and I guarantee you’ll be feeling great after only 5 minutes!

The Importance of Bookmarking

Please remember to bookmark the pages you like, so you can find them again easily, instantly, every morning.

The more convenient you make things for yourself, the more consistent you’ll be in reading your affirmations everyday. 

Consistency is the key!

The more frequently you read your affirmations, the more permanent they’ll become in your mind. They’ll start changing how you think, feel, and behave, enabling you to become the person you want to become, and to achieve everything you want to achieve.

Remember, your mind is just a tool.

Most people let it run amok. Like a powerful gas powered lawn mower with no one at the helm, it moves in random directions, wreaking havoc everywhere it goes.

Positive affirmations are a way of taking control of that lawnmower, and guiding it where you want it to go.

Positive Affirmations Lawn Mower

With enough affirmations – with enough self-directed mental programming – we can all get what we want out of life. That’s why I built this site.

Good luck!

(If you’re wondering where to begin, I highly suggest affirmations for happiness. Just watch the video! I guarantee it will improve your mood.)
