“It was men who stopped slavery. It was men who ran up the stairs in the Twin Towers to rescue people. It was men who gave up their seats on the lifeboats of the Titanic. Men are made to take risks and live passionately on behalf of others.”
signs of low self esteem in a man: know the signs, and know that fixing the problem is just part of the adventure of being a man.
John Eldredge
Author, Lecturer

6 Signs of low
self esteem in a man

signs of low self esteem in a man: Ignore these at your own peril

Low self-esteem has a significant impact on a person’s life. It affects their relationships, career, and overall well-being. 

For men, societal expectations and stereotypes make it even more difficult for men to express feelings of low self-worth, or even to acknowledge these feelings in ourselves.

In this article, I’ll discuss some of the signs a man may be struggling with low self-esteem, as well as what can be done to address and improve it.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Man:

1. Difficulty accepting compliments.

Men with low self-esteem may have trouble believing that they’re worthy of praise. They may brush off compliments as if they aren’t true.

They feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when receiving a compliment, so they downplay and dismiss the compliment, rather than accepting it graciously.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Man:

2. Constant self-criticism.

signs of low self esteem in a man: constant self criticism.

Men with low self-esteem are usually overly critical of themselves. 

They have negative thoughts about their abilities, appearance, and worth to society. They compare themselves to others and always find themselves lacking.

No matter what their friends tell them, they just can see the positive in themselves or in their accomplishments.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Man:

3. Difficulty setting boundaries.

Men with low self-esteem may have trouble asserting themselves in relationships, at work, or in other areas of their life. It’s hard for them to ever say “no.”

It’s good to be accommodating to the needs of others, but overdoing it can lead to feeling taken advantage of, and resentful.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Man:

4. Avoiding social situations.

Men with low self-esteem tend to avoid social situations, which they believe will just lead to criticism and rejection. They feel self-conscious in social settings. They constantly worry about being judged.

This phobia can lead to social isolation, with even further limits their ability to practice social skills and connect with others. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Man:

5. Difficulty making decisions.

Men with low self-esteem sometimes have trouble making decisions, because they doubt their own intelligence and ability. 

They constantly second-guess themselves, which leads to procrastination, lack of progress, and even less confidence in their own abilities.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Man:

6. Difficulty expressing emotions.

Men with low self-esteem sometimes have trouble expressing their emotions. They think doing so will make them appear weak and vulnerable. They may suppress their emotions, or avoid talking about them, which creates a lack of emotional intimacy in relationships.

Low Self Esteem is Different for Everyone.

It’s important to note that these signs can manifest differently from person to person, and that experiencing some of these signs doesn’t necessarily indicate that a man has low self-esteem.

However, if you recognize these signs in yourself, it’s important that you do something about it.

What Should a Man Do About Low Self Esteem?

First of all, understand that it’s something all guys – all people, in fact – struggle with from time to time. The most important thing is that you’re addressing it.

There are several tried and true methods of boosting self-esteem. Here are the most effective ones I’ve ever come across. 

1. Exercise.

signs of low self esteem in a man: to reverse low self esteem, start working out!

Whether you’re in shape, or out of shape, whether you’re young or old, one of the surest ways to boost your self esteem as a man is to get in shape! Run a few days a week. Lift weights, and then have a protein shake.

Working out releases endorphins. It increases your testosterone levels, which improves your libido and overall sense of motivation. It clears up brain fog and helps you think more clearly. It gives you the energy to get stuff done!

You don’t need a gym membership. Just get a pair of running shoes and a couple of dumb bells. As you get in shape, keep pushing yourself. Don’t stop after getting shape – keep going! Make this a permanent lifestyle change, and the improved self esteem that comes with it will be permanent, too.

2. Get Interested in SELF-IMPROVEMENT

The most financially successful people I’ve ever met were self-help fanatics. So were the happiest and most confident people.

Some of the greatest men in history were enthusiasts about the idea that a man should constantly work to improve himself. I’m talking about Marcus Aurelius and Alexander the Great. I’m talking about Benjamin Franklin and Mahatma Gandhi.

If you’ve got social phobia, there are books on that. Start with How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.

If you want to make more money, there are books on that too!

Whatever you do, just don’t stagnate. Always strive for more – not because creates self-esteem – but because working toward lofty ambitions does, especially when you achieve them.

3. Mental Training!

The only true strength in this world is mental strength

To develop it, you’ve got to learn how to use affirmations!

If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, please know that most of it stems from bad mental habits, like calling yourself an “idiot” whenever you do something wrong, or feeling like a “loser” just because a particular girl didn’t want to date you.

Habits are formed through repetition. To feel better about yourself permanently, you’ve got to replace those old, useless thoughts with new ones. You do that through repetition as well.

Positive affirmations allow you to re-program yourself to think, feel, and behave with confidence. As your behaviors change, your entire life improves. But don’t take my word for it. Try it for yourself – it doesn’t cost anything but 5 minutes of your time.

The Method:

Read the following affirmations for 5 minutes straight, every single day.

You can print the PDF, or you can watch the video. Both techniques have their benefits. For best results, do both!

If you use the PDF, set a countdown timer. That way, you can just focus on what you’re reading, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

After a minute or two, you should feel your mind settling down. A calmness will come over you. That’s your conscious mind starting to relax, while your unconscious mind absorbs the new programming.

Low self-esteem is a horrible thing for anyone to suffer from. For men, it compromises are ability to do the things nature designed us to do: to lead, to protect, and to provide.

Do the affirmations. Get your mind right.

Good luck!

Affirmations for
Men's Self-Esteem

  • I believe in myself!
  • I’m proud to be a man.
  • I’m strong and confident, and I get things done!
  • My self-esteem is growing every day.
  • I enjoy the challenges of being a man!
  • I am smart, motivated, and capable.
  • I’ve got big goals, and I’m achieving them one step at a time.
  • I’m a natural born leader.
  • I’m ambitious. I can accomplish anything!
  • I’m a protector and provider for my family.

(For more affirmations to help you boost your self-esteem as a man, click here.)


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