¨Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.¨
Weightloss Affirmations: JFK preached the importance of physical fitness, not just for the individual, but for society as a whole.
John F. Kennedy
President of the United States of America

weightloss affirmations

  • I love my body, and I do everything I can to take care of it!
  • I love eating healthy, natural foods.
  • My metabolism is fast because I eat small portions, frequently throughout the day.
  • I love working out! I’m a very athletic person.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables are delicious.
  • I’m fit and healthy, and I’m getting more fit all the time!
  • I hate junk food. Refined sugar is disgusting.
  • Fast food is disgusting, and I refuse to eat it.
  • I love exercising! I exercise every single day!
  • I hate feeling “full.” I eat small meals because it feels better!

Weightloss Affirmations:

The Secret to Losing Weight PERMANENTLY!

weightloss affirmations

Americans are overweight. There’s no doubt about it. 42% of Americans suffer from obesity, and it costs us 173 billion dollars a year in medical costs.

On the one hand, it’s a testimony to how far civilization has come in terms of food production. Until the modern era, food was so scarce that most people struggled to keep from dying of malnutrition. 

That’s still happening in many countries today.

Nonetheless, the increasing prevalence of obesity has been catastrophic to society, not just in terms of money, but in terms of our quality of life and self esteem.

We need to lose weight.

The human body functions at its best when it isn’t weighed down by excess fat.

Clogged arteries decrease the amount of blood flow to your heart, which decreases physical stamina, impedes sexual function in both men and women, and shortens your lifespan.

weightloss affirmations: losing weight can prevent diabetes and heart diseases!

Diabetes increases your risk of having a stroke or heart attack. It can destroy your eyes and makes you go blind. It can cause ulcers and infections on your feet that require amputation.

Being overweight can give you muscle cramps and joint pain, both of which make it harder to be physically active. That lack of physical activity causes you to gain even more weight, and a vicious cycle is set in motion.

Being overweight can make you insecure about your looks.

I understand the “body acceptance movement,” and I agree it’s important to love our bodies, always.

But no matter what the cultural engineers tell us to think, they can never change this plain and simple fact of evolution: When choosing a mate, our brains are hardwired to look for signs of fertility and physical health

Obesity doesn’t suggest either.

All of this can be remedied by losing a few extra pounds via a healthy diet and exercise. 

If you love your body (and you should), the best thing you can do for it is get in shape!

Weightloss Affirmations:

The Benefits of Getting in Shape!

weightloss affirmations: the secret to consistency is to program your mind, daily! affirmations for losing weight

You’ll feel lighter and more agile. You’ll have more energy. Your feet, back, and joints won’t hurt as much.

When your body isn’t in pain, it becomes easier and more pleasurable to get outside and exercise, instead of lying on the couch.

Your clothes will fit better. You posture will improve. You’ll save tons of money, because raw fruits and vegetables are MUCH cheaper than eating out.

You won’t be as dependent on expensive medication to control your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Your liver will thank you.

So many doctors jump to prescribing medication as a first resort, rather than recommending simple lifestyle changes. This is particularly true when it comes to obesity. 


Some doctors are afraid of being called “insensitive” or “fat-phobic” by patients and employers. Others are given financial incentives to act as salesman for the pharmaceutical industry.

In either case, by not tackling the root of the problem, they do all of us a grave disservice.

Weightloss Affirmations:

Why is it so hard to lose weight?

Exercise more. Eat less. Eat healthier.

Simple, right?

Wrong! Anyone who’s ever lost a significant amount of weight will tell you it’s one of the hardest things they’ve ever done.

It’s hard because our minds make it hard.

Human beings evolved for millions of years in conditions of extreme scarcity.

To survive, our brains became hardwired to constantly seek fat and sugar, and to consume as much of it as possible. Back then, you never knew how many days it would be before your next meal, so when food did become available, you had to gorge yourself.

Fast Forward 10,000 Years

Modern industry has taken advantage of our brains by packing food with as much fat and sugar as possible. It’s not just for flavor, either.

Coca-cola puts so much sugar in their soda – 44 grams! – that under normal conditions, you’d vomit. They have to add phosphoric acid in order to dull the sweetness and prevent you from vomiting.

Why not just add less sugar?

Because, my friend…

Sugar is physically addictive!

weightloss affirmations: sugar is physically addictive!

It’s just as physically addictive as cocaine, according to some researchers.

And it’s everywhere! Not just in donuts. 

They put sugar in canned soup, canned vegetables, bread, salad dressing, mustard, crackers… Everything!

Restaurants, desperate to compete with one another, have a financial incentive to serve the fattiest, most sugar laden foods they can create. They serve bigger and bigger portions to outdo their competitors.

They add MSG (monosodium glutamate), which is a neurotoxin, to enhance the flavor and keep you coming back for more.

Can you see what you're up against?

It’s not enough to promise yourself you’ll lose weight on New Years Day. 

It’s not enough to set a weight loss goal, and plan to eat “normal” again once that goal is achieved.

If you want permanent, healthy weight loss, you’ve got to utilize the most potent weapon in your arsenal: Your mind!

Program it to reject temptation, and engage in healthy behaviors all the time; Not just until you’ve shed a few pounds, but forever!

Weightloss Affirmations:

The secret is to HATE what you love, and LOVE what you hate.

If you could just re-program yourself to hate junk food, and to love health food, then all of the best eating decisions would come naturally to you.

If you could re-program yourself to hate being sedentary, and to love exercising, you’d find yourself being active and burning calories without even thinking about it.

You wouldn’t be fighting yourself anymore. Healthy weightloss would be the natural consequence of who you are. 

Sound impossible? It’s not!

Mental repetition can make anything possible!

Drill sergeants use it to transform regular citizens into cold-blooded killers. Propagandists use it to convince millions of people that politicians and corporations care about them.

Athletes and astronauts use them to build confidence, and to stay cool under pressure.

Any tool used for evil can also be used for good.

affirmations for losing weight: lifting weights is a great way to get in shape. Don't just do cardio!

The more you think something, the more it becomes a habit to think it. 

Until now, you’ve left it up to chance which thoughts became habitual, and which didn’t.

Now it’s time to take control. It’s time to deliberately practice thoughts that help you achieve your weightloss goals, and discard the ones that don’t.

Affirmations give you this power.

The Method:

Print these affirmations. Read them to yourself for 5 minutes straight. (You can also watch the video!)

Find a place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Silence your phone. 

Use a timer, so that your mind will be free to focus on what you’re reading, instead of worrying about how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes, every single day!

After a minute or two, you may notice a pleasant calmness coming over you. It will feel like meditation, or a mild form of hypnosis. That’s great!

It means your brain is becoming more receptive to the weightloss affirmations, and your core identity is changing. Keep going!

The more time you spend reading your affirmations, the better.

Weightloss Affirmations:

Permanent Victory

Most people who lose weight gain it back within a year. 

They lose weight for the summer, or a wedding, but as soon as the occasion passes, they revert back to the habits that made them overweight in the first place.

Don’t be like them.

They changed their bodies, but they didn’t change their minds.

The rollercoaster of weight loss and weight gain is no longer your fate. By deliberately altering how you think about food and exercise, you permanently improve your behavior, and your life.

Do the affirmations. Love your body. You only have one.

Good luck!

(For more weight loss affirmations, click here!)

(To increase your health even more, please see affirmations for health.)


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