“When you are realized, you can start feeling your own chakras and the chakras of other people. This is enlightenment.”
Affirmations for Sacral Chakra: Guru Srivastava believed in the importance of balancing your chakras.
Nirmala Srivastava
Guru, Founder of Sahaja Yoga

Affirmations for Sacral CHakra

  • I can feel my sacral chakra getting stronger!
  • I can feel my reproductive organs healing.
  • My body is a powerful, self-healing machine, and I take good care of it.
  • My libido is getting stronger all the time!
  • I feel all of my chakras activating, especially my sacral chakra!
  • I’m a healthy, calm, creative person.
  • My sacral chakra is perfectly balanced.
  • All of my chakras are perfectly in tune.
  • I’ve got a strong, healthy libido, because my sacral chakra is open!
  • My sacral chakra is unblocked, balanced, and perfectly healthy.

Affirmations for Sacral Chakra:

Activate Your Sex Chakra EASILY!

Affirmations for Sacral Chakra: Balance your sacral chakra for optimum sexual health.

According to Hindu and Buddhist tradition, chakras are energy centers within the body. There are 7 of them. Each chakra does something different.

The Sacral Chakra, also known as the sex chakra, is associated with sexuality, intimacy, and creativity. It’s located just below the naval.

When your chakras are balanced, optimal health is achieved mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

When they fall out of balance, they cause major problems in your body and in your life.

Is my sacral chakra balanced, or unbalanced?


When your sacral chakra is functioning properly, your creativity soars! 

This heightened creativity shows up in your art, in your work, and in your ability to solve problems quickly. 

Your emotions feel stable and consistent, which leads to more pleasant relationships.

Your libido is strong, but not so strong to the point of being uncontrollable. You’re feel energetic and productive, yet peaceful at the same time.


When your sacral chakra is not functioning properly, your art suffers because you can’t think of anything to create. Writer’s block seems insurmountable. 

It’s hard to solve complex problems, because novel solutions just aren’t popping into your head like they normally do.

Your emotions fluctuate dramatically and unpredictably. You can be calm one minute, angry the next, and depressed a few minutes later. These mood swings can wreak havoc on your personal life.

The primary symptom of an unbalanced sacral chakra, however, is an unhealthy libido. It’s either too low and you don’t feel any desire at all, or it’s too high, which leads to impulsive and potentially reckless behavior.

Affirmations for Sacral Chakra:

The importance of sexual health!

Most people working on their sacral chakra are hoping to boost their libido.

9 out of 10 people who complain to their doctors about libido feel like it’s too low, and that it’s damaging their self esteem and their relationships. They’ve got a point.

All people want to feel desired. 

If your libido is low, it can hurt the feelings of your lover, making them feel unwanted. That’s true even if your lack of desire has nothing to do with them.

If you’re single, low-libido can seriously de-motivate you. It can prevent you from searching for a new relationship, and cause you could spend years of your life in relative isolation. 

Affirmations for Sacral Chakra:

Why are our libidos so low?

Affirmations for Sacral Chakra: Polution is likely hurting your libido.

Modern food is riddled with pesticides, hormones, and plastics, none of which is good for our reproductive health.

We’re working more hours than our parents worked, for less pay, and we’re over-stressed. Stress is the ultimate libido killer!

We’re working indoors more than ever, which deprives us of sunlight. Sunlight is required for our skin to produce vitamin D, as well as for our brains to manufacture the hormones necessary for optimal sexual health.

It’s interesting how the media barrages us with messages about how dangerous sunlight is. They’ll constantly remind us of skin cancer and wrinkles, while saying nothing about the importance of sunlight for a healthy immune system.

This was especially true at the height of the recent “pandemic,” when healthy immune systems were needed more than ever. 

Why would they do that?

How to balance the sacral chakra.

affirmations for sacral chakra

You can find meditations to practice online. You can find yoga positions specifically for the sacral chakra.

The most important remedy, though, at least in my opinion, is to use positive affirmations specifically designed to activate your sacral chakra.

All health starts in the mind. By cultivating a positive attitude about your sacral chakra, as well as your ability to activate it, you can enhance its function and  improve your life.

Program your body to function at its highest capacity. The subtlest parts of your being, including your chakras, are often first to respond.

Affirmations for Sacral Chakra: The Method

Print out the affirmations at the top of this page. Read them for 5 minutes straight, every single day. (You should also watch the video!)

Do it in a location where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Silence your phone. Set a timer so that you can focus on your affirmations, rather than wondering how much time has elapsed.

Concentrate. 5 minutes.

If you’re serious about improving your libido by balancing your sacral chakra, then these are the most important 5 minutes of your day.

How Do You Know When the Affirmations are Working?

You’ll know the affirmations for sacral chakra are working when your sex life improves. 

That increased libido isn’t just for sex. It gives you motivation to do everything else in life (working out, making money, even cleaning your garage). It’s all connected!

You’ll feel calmer, and less mercurial. Things that would have sent you into a blind rage when your sacral chakra was unbalanced will roll right off your back.

You’ll be able to solve problems better. Creative solutions pop into your mind as if you were tapping into some sort of ethereal repository of knowledge.

If you’re an artist of any kind, whether you paint, draw, write, or make music, your ability and eagerness to create will grow exponentially.

Most importantly, you’ll be happier.

Do the affirmations.

Your libido is a barometer for your overall physical and spiritual health. When it improves, everything else in your life improves, too.

Good luck!

(Sometimes, your chakras can go out of wack because of the emotional pain you’ve been hanging on to. If this is what you’ve been experiencing, please see affirmations for forgiveness.)


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