"Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever."
Affirmations About Life: Peter Hagerty had the right idea.
Peter Hagerty

Affirmations About Life

  • I love being alive! I see the good in every situation.
  • I don’t take life too seriously! I try to enjoy myself.
  • I value relationships and experiences more than material things.
  • I love myself, flaws and all!
  • Money is important, but it’s more important to spend time with family and friends.
  • I enjoy challenges!
  • Everything in life is a learning experience. I’m always improving myself.
  • I forgive everyone who ever hurt me. Life is too short to be angry!
  • I’m fiercely loyal to my family and friends.
  • I always stand by my principles, even if it costs me.

Affirmations About Life: Beat Stress with This 5 Minute Technique!

affirmations about life

Life is Tough!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor. It doesn’t matter whether you live in America or anywhere else in the world.

To get through life, it helps to have solid principles to guide you through good times and bad.

They can usher you toward happiness and prosperity. They can also fortify you against the economic and social pressures that make weak people behave irrationally and immorally.

It’s not enough to have a vague concept of what you should be doing, or how you should see the world. Your principles need to be ingrained in your mind, so that you automatically live in accordance with them all the time.

They don’t need to be carved in stone like the 10 commandments. They don’t need to be tattooed on your body. They DO need to be ingrained.

Affirmations for life make this possible.

affirmations about life: the simple life is often the best life.

Most people only have a wishy washy concept of right and wrong.

They have an idea of how life should be lived, but it’s vague and unfocused. They might have picked up some good ideas here and there, but they seldom stop to think about them, and they’ve never actively programmed them into their mind.

Most people just go with the flow. They “try to be good” and hope for the best. This actually works in times of peace and prosperity, but when they’re under pressure, financial or otherwise, they crumble!

All it takes is for someone to threaten their job, and they’ll sellout friends, relatives, and even themselves in order to keep it. Go after their incomes and they’ll do anything, even allow themselves to be used as lab rats for what could be a dangerous, experimental drug.

Abusive employers, tyrannical politicians, and media propagandists love these people because they’re easily controlled.

That’s why so much of pop culture is about breaking down traditional concepts of morality, and promoting the idea that it’s all relative.

They don’t want us to have principles!

Seeing “right and wrong” as nothing but an opinion relative to your standing in life, or which culture you happened to be born into, is exactly how the human rights violations of the past two years can be perpetrated.

How many of us, especially when the panic around covid began, violated our principles of loyalty, morality, and freedom, just because we were scared?

How many of us gave in to the social pressure to do things that make absolutely no sense in retrospect?

affirmations for christians: positive affirmations can protect your mind from becoming brainwashed and enslaved

If we’re being honest, almost everyone is guilty of it to one extent or another, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Affirmations about life enable us to choose the rules by which we live.

Abiding by them becomes reflexive. Standing firm in our principles becomes natural.

We won’t be as easily intimidated or pushed around, and our governments will hate us. (That’s a badge of honor, as far as I’m concerned.)

The affirmations on this page are designed to help you go through life with a spirit of optimism, curiosity, loyalty, and courage, but you don’t need to limit yourself to these.

Whatever you believe is right, whatever thoughts you feel are optimal, write them down. Turn them into your own affirmations about life, and read them frequently so they become reflexive. So that living in accordance with them becomes automatic, no matter what’s going on in the world.

Affirmations About Life:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, everyday.

Do it in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Silence your phone. Set a countdown timer so that you can focus entirely on the affirmations, without having to wonder how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes!

After a short while, you should feel your mind quieting down. The process of reading your affirmations over and over will begin to feel meditative, which is good. It means your conscious mind is settling down, and your subconscious mind is accepting its new programming.

Pretty soon, your affirmations for life will be internalized, and you’ll find yourself getting less stressed about the daily challenges you go through. You’ll see everything as a learning experience and an opportunity to grow. You’ll pursue financial success, but you’ll never forget to spend time with loved ones.

Do the affirmations.

Life will always be tough. You can make it a lot easier by fortifying your mind with thoughts that help you thrive.

Good luck!

(A huge part of life is spiritual growth, which requires that you learn to forgive.)

You also need to learn to make money. Please see affirmations for wealth, money, success, and abundance.)


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