“Mediation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body”
Meditation with Positive Affirmations: Deepak Chopra knows the power of meditation.
Deepak Chopra
Author, Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner

Meditation with Positive Affirmations

(It's like meditation on steroids!)

  • I can achieve anything!
  • I’m a bright, confident person.
  • I love myself.
  • I see the good in all situations.
  • I see the good in all people!
  • Everything that happens in life is an opportunity to learn.
  • I’m an optimistic person.
  • I love my life. I’ve always been very lucky!
  • Life has ups and downs, and that’s okay! I can handle them.
  • I enjoy working toward my goals every single day.

Meditation with Positive Affirmations:

There are 2 Types of Meditation
(easy and hard!)

meditation with positive affirmations

The first kind involves emptying your mind of all thought. This is the traditional type used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It’s very beneficial, but mastery requires dedication and perseverance. That can take years.

The second type is guided meditation which, in my opinion, is a lot easier.

Guided meditation doesn’t involve emptying your mind at all. Rather, it involves focusing on a single thought, or a collection of thoughts, usually provided by another person.

Affirmations, the way I teach them, are a form of guided meditation.

I provide the thoughts. All you have to do is read them for 5 minutes straight, or listen to them, or watch the videos. The benefits can be felt immediately, but they keep growing as you permanently improve your concepts of who you are, and where you belong in the world.

What happens during meditation with positive affirmations?

A key element is that your mind quiets down.

The background noise inside your head, which is generally a source of stress, anxiety, and depression, is halted momentarily. You stop thinking about the bills you have to pay, or what time you have to be at work tomorrow.

All of that garbage fades into the background as you narrow your focus to a single objective.

Your body actually changes during meditation.

meditation with positive affirmations

Physiologically, your autonomic nervous system takes a much needed break from the constant production of stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenalin.

Your brain increases production of alpha and theta waves, both of which are associated with cognitive well-being and improved learning capacity.

Most importantly, you feel better.

So many of us are in a mild state of “fight or flight” at all times, and we’re not even aware of it. It’s been so long since we felt any other way, we’ve forgotten how it feels not to be stressed, angry, resentful, or anxious. We think what we’re feeling is normal.

Then we go for a back massage, and our bodies spasm uncontrollably from the sudden release of unconscious tension.

Meditation, in any form, breaks us out of that tension. It enables us to realize how over-active our brains usually are, and how beneficial just a few minutes reprieve is for our mental and physical well-being.

Meditation with Positive Affirmations:

If you’re going to meditate on something, why not positive affirmations?

meditation with positive affirmations: its great to do your affirmations outside in nature.

“Meditation” is an altered state of consciousness that can be achieved through any repetitive activity.

Zen archers meditate by shooting arrows. Bowlers throw strikes and “go into the zone.” Marathoners run for so long, their awareness of pain, fatigue, and even time evaporates.

When you read affirmations the way I suggest, you “go into the zone,” just like an archer, a bowler, or a marathon runner. You forget about your problems. You forget about time passing, and you just keep reading.

It’s hypnotic. It’s therapeutic. But, unlike other forms of meditation, affirmations have the added benefit of programming you to think and behave more effectively during your normal, alert state of consciousness.

If you want to be rich, affirmations can program you to constantly go after it. If you want to improve your relationships, you can do that, too.

You can boost your self esteem. You can train yourself to endure hardship. You can optimize every aspect of your being.

You’re in Control

meditation with positive affirmations

Choose your affirmations according to what you want to achieve. Read them for 5 minutes straight, minimum.

After a minute or two of constant repetition, a change occurs in your mind. You feel calmer. The constant repetition feels slightly hypnotic. That’s the feeling of your brain increasing its production of alpha and theta waves, just as with traditional meditation.

As I mentioned earlier, these waves increase your learning capacity. That’s why this method is so effective at helping you adopt new beliefs and behaviors.

Whatever you want to instill in yourself, whatever you want to accomplish, affirmations enable you to get it done!

Meditation with Positive Affirmations:

The Method

Just read the affirmations over and over for 5 minutes straight. (You can also download an audio version, or watch the videos on this site.)

5 minutes straight.

Do it in a place where you won’t be distracted by people, or pets. Silence your phone.

After a minute or two, you’ll lose track of time. You’ll forget what was bothering you just a few moments ago. You’ll relax. You’ll feel good. That’s the short term benefit.

The long term benefit is that you’ll be permanently improving your self esteem, your productivity, your confidence, your ability to generate money, or any other trait you wish to develop.

Decide what you want to work on!

Here are a few suggestions:

Could you use more money? See Affirmations for Money, Wealth, and Abundance.

Want to boost your self esteem? See Affirmations for Self Love, Confidence, and Success.

If you’re having relationship problems:

Affirmations to Attract Love, Affirmations for Letting Go of Your Ex, and Affirmations for Forgiveness.

The sky is the limit.

Do the affirmations. 

It’s a form of meditation that not only relieves stress and tension, it programs you to become the person you were meant to be.

Good luck!


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