“Disease is often an accumulation of damned-up energy. When we learn how energy moves through the chakras we can begin to allow it to flow freely through our bodies, creating greater health.”
Affirmations for Throat Chakra: Caroline Arewa speaks on the power of opening up your chakras.
Caroline Shola Arewa
Yoga Teacher, Author

Affirmations for Throat Chakra

(The EASIEST way to activate it!)

  • Energy flows freely through my throat chakra!
  • I feel expressive, social, and talkative.
  • All of my chakras are balanced, especially my throat chakra!
  • My neck, my jaws, and my ears are all perfectly healthy.
  • I can feel my throat chakra spinning!
  • I always find the best words to express myself, and I always speak truthfully.
  • I feel the air flowing in and out of my throat chakra as I breathe. It feels good!
  • My throat chakra is wide open.
  • I’m a master conversationalist.
  • I love listening to people. I love saying what’s on my mind.

Unblock your throat chakra, and your whole life will improve!

Affirmations for Throat Chakra: The key is to utilize your MIND

Of course, your throat chakra isn’t just the throat.

It encompasses your lips, cheeks, jaw, and ears, as well as the shoulders and neck.

When it’s blocked, your ability to communicate suffers! That leads to all kinds of trouble.

You feel more timid and shy than usual. The social anxiety hinders your relationships, both at work and in your personal life.

Sentences don’t come to you as easily as they normally do. You often need to pause in mid sentence, in order to find the word you’re looking for.

Physically, you might feel an earache, a pain in your jaw, or a sore throat.

If you ignore the problem long enough, it could lead to thyroid issues and dental disease.

In order to be your best self, you’ve got to maintain your throat chakra (also known as your “vishuddha”).

In this article, I’ll tell you how.

Affirmations for Throat Chakra:

The importance of being able to express yourself.

Speaking is such vital ability.

It improves our relationships. It makes us better at our jobs.

It gives us the chance to unburden ourselves of things weighing heavily on our minds. That’s extremely important for both psychological and physical health.

Anything you can do to improve your ability to communicate is good for you. If you suspect that your throat chakra is blocked, it’s imperative that you do whatever you can to unblock it immediately!

In a moment, I’ll give you an easy method of unblocking it that’s completely free, and that you can do anywhere. But first…

What exactly is the “throat chakra?”

It’s an energy center in your body.

The body has 7 energy centers, also known as “chakras.” Each chakra is responsible for a different function in your body, mind, and spirit. To feel your best, you’ve got to maintain these energy centers by keeping them unblocked.

Unblocking your sacral chakra will improve sexual function. Unblocking your heart chakra will make your more compassionate.

Your throat chakra is responsible for your ability to communicate effectively and honestly, not just with other people, but with yourself.

Affirmations for Throat Chakra:

How do you unblock your throat chakra?

There are a handful of methods according to tradition.

You can try special yoga positions designed to open up the throat chakra.

You can wear a necklace with blue stones on it. Lapis lazuli and turquoise are popular.

You can detoxify your body by rejecting processed foods and avoiding pollution as much as you can. (That’s important to do regardless of the current state of your chakras!)

Affirmations for Throat Chakra: The BEST method for opening you chakras up!

In my opinion, the best method is to use affirmations.


Because your brain is the most powerful organ in your body.

People heal themselves all the time using the power of belief, as has been demonstrated millions of times in drug trials by the “placebo effect.”

People can increase their body temperature by as much as 17 degrees by meditating, as has been demonstrated by Tibetan monks in front of Harvard researchers.

If your mind can alter your physical body so profoundly, how much more easily might it affect the more subtle parts of your being, like your chakras?

Affirmations for Throat Chakra:

The Method

Read the affirmations at the top of this page for 5 minutes straight, every single day.

They’re designed to unblock your throat chakra, and get you feeling healthy, expressive, and social again.

You can watch the video, or you can print the PDF and read it in a quiet location with no distractions. For the latter method, it’s great to use a countdown timer. That way, you can concentrate purely on the affirmations rather than frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes is the minimum, but the more time you spend on your affirmations, the better!

How do you know when affirmations for throat chakra are working?

You know your throat chakra is becoming unblocked when you start to think and speak more clearly. You’ll stutter less. You’ll need less time to compose your sentences.

If you had pain in your neck or jaw, it should begin to fade away. Your dental health should improve.

The most important effect is that you should begin to feel better overall. That should happen with each chakra you activate, and especially with the throat chakra.

To be an effective person in this world, you must constantly strengthen your ability to communicate clearly and honestly. The best way to do that is by opening up your throat chakra.

Do the affirmations. The more chakras you can balance, the better off you’ll be.

Good luck!


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