“Confidence applied properly will surpass genius.”
Affirmations About Confidence: Mike Tyson used affirmations constantly to build his confidence.
Mike Tyson
Youngest Heavyweight Champion of All Time

Affirmations About Confidence

  • I believe in myself!
  • I feel confident in all situations.
  • I can handle anything.
  • I’m a brilliant person.
  • I am smart, motivated, and capable!
  • The world can feel my confidence.
  • I’m a strong person, and I’m ambitious.
  • I can learn to do anything.
  • I can succeed at anything!
  • I’ve got big goals, and I’m achieving them one step at a time.

Affirmations About Confidence:

How to Believe in Yourself, Always

Affirmations for Confidence: Train yourself to be confident like a tiger in all situations.

Confidence is more important than talent!

It’s more important than ability.

Studies consistently show that confident people get better jobs than those with the same education and training, but who lack self-belief.

Confident people are more likely to ask for (and receive) pay raises, so they make more money. They suffer from less anxiety. When they see someone they’re attracted to, they’re more likely to ask for a date – and get it!

Why is that? 

Why does the world respond so positively to those with confidence, and practically scorn those without it?

The world can sense how you feel inside!

In a boxing match, it’s not uncommon for a fighter to defeat a superior opponent simply because he believes he can. The defeated opponent, blessed with more speed, skill, and conditioning, gives up when the going gets tough.

Why? Because he can sense that he’s psychologically outgunned! 

No one has to tell him the other guy is more confident, more willing to fight, and won’t be intimidated. He can feel it!

Very few people have faith in themselves. When they see someone who does have faith in themselves, they either become intimidated, or they look to that person for leadership. 

Affirmations for Confidence: The world can sense how you're feeling inside.

But you’re not a boxer, you say?

Yes, you are. Everyone is.

The whole world is a giant boxing ring, and it’s full of people constantly scanning and assessing you, probing for weakness.

Most of them aren’t even aware they’re doing it. They can’t help it.

Human beings evolved from predatory animals. That’s why our eyes are in front of our heads, and not on the sides!

What happens when the world senses your lack of confidence?

At best, people feel indifferent to you. You get passed up for the promotion at work. Your teachers don’t give the extra help you need.

Potential mentors, and anyone else who could positively impact your life, don’t even notice you. You’re invisible.

At worst, you become a magnet for predators who want to take advantage of you in all kinds of ways. Big ways. Small ways. At work. At home. Everywhere.

The abuse piles up, making you more timid than you already are, and the cycle continues. It happens again and again in your life, and you don’t know why.

I’ll tell you why. The world can sense how you feel inside!

If you lack confidence, you can’t hide it. No one can. It shows in your posture, in your voice, in everything you do!

Fix it!

Affirmations About Confidence VS The Old Fashioned Way

Positive Affirmations

Most people hear about how important it is to be confident, and they tell themselves, “Okay. Now I’ll think better. I’ll try to have more confidence from now on.” They really believe that’s all it takes.

Unfortunately, that isn’t how it works. Negative thinking is habitual. It’s been reinforced by many years of repetition – of telling yourself that you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not attractive enough. 

Bad habits are hard to break.

In nature, the poison often indicates the cure. Repetition got you into this mess. Repetition will get you out!

The Technique: Using Affirmations About Confidence Properly

Read these affirmations to yourself for 5 minutes straight, every single day.

You can do that by printing the PDF sheet at the top of this page, or by watching the video. Both of them have unique benefits. For the best results, use both!

Try to read your affirmations in private where you won’t be distracted by family, pets, or excessive noise. Silence your phone. 

If you’re using the PDF sheet, set a countdown timer so you can focus on what you’re reading, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed. 

If you’re serious about becoming a more confident person, then these are the most important 5 minutes of your day.

Every time you read affirmations for confidence, you weaken the old, opposing thoughts through disuse, and you strengthen the new ones.

After two or three minutes, you should feel your mind calming down, settling into the simple task of reading these 10 lines over and over.

It’s a meditative, almost hypnotic state you fall into. That’s good! It means you’re doing it right.

Repetition works for musicians, athletes, and Chinese acrobats. It will work for you!

Good luck!

(A great source of insecurity for people is the inability to generate wealth. Ironically, insecurity is also what STOPS us from generating wealth. Please see affirmations for prosperity, wealth, and abundance.)

(The most confident people in the world love the way they look! Please see affirmation of beauty.)


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