“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Affirmations About Self Worth: Eleanor Roosevelt understood that everyone is responsible for their own self worth.
Eleanor Roosevelt
First Lady of the United States

Affirmations About Self Worth

  • I’m an amazing person.
  • I can accomplish anything!
  • No one walks, talks, or thinks exactly like me. I’m one of a kind!
  • I love myself! I’m the hero of my own story.
  • I’m smart and ambitious. I stay productive all day, everyday!
  • The world wouldn’t be the same without me!
  • People care about me, but most importantly, I care about myself!
  • I’ve got a powerful sense of self worth.
  • My life has unlimited potential. I’m an extremely valuable person!
  • I enjoy my life. I love being me!

Self worth is the key to a prosperous life!

affirmations about self worth

It’s the most important quality you could ever have. 


Because it affects everything you do, from how much money you make, to the number of meaningful relationships you find. How you feel about yourself influences everything! Ignore this fact at your own peril!

The key to a happy, prosperous existence is to develop a powerful sense of self worth. It doesn’t come naturally, though. You’ve got cultivate it through training! 

Develop it. Nurture it. Protect it at all costs! Easier said than done, right?

Did you know, you can program self-worth into yourself the same way you might program a computer? It’s true, and it doesn’t require years of expensive psycho-therapy. 

You can start feeling better about yourself right now. You can project an aura of confidence in board meetings, on dates, and everywhere you go. All it takes is a slight change in your thinking, and a little practice to make it permanent.

Believe it or not, the technique is very simple and takes just a few minutes.

Let me show you how!

When you value yourself, you hold yourself to a higher standard.

People sense this, which makes them respect you more.They want to connect with you more. They believe you’re a person of high value because you believe it. 

Self worth empowers you to start relationships with good people, because you expect good people to love you. You don’t settle for abusive or neglectful partners. You seek quality in everything, because you believe you deserve it.

Self worth creates an energy around you; a powerful vibe that practically forces others to respect you.

You’re more inclined to ask for raises at work, more inclined to seek promotions. When your job no longer makes you happy, you’re more likely to leave instead of wasting your life doing what makes you miserable.

Affirmations About Self Worth:

How do you REALLY feel about yourself?

Do you feel insecure chatting up strangers at a party? Are you uncomfortable talking to your boss?

These things happen because, deep down, you don’t feel important enough to warrant people’s attention. This happens especially when you perceive them to have more money, power, or popularity than you; when you perceive them to be more valuable than you.

They’re NOT more valuable than you. In the story of your life, they’re just playing bit parts. YOU’RE the star.

I don’t care how smart or successful you perceive other people to be, even if it’s your boss and they could technically fire you. No one is so special, they deserve the kind of reverence that causes you to mentally shutdown in their presence.

Speaking of your job...

Do you enjoy it? 

Or have you settled for it because you don’t think you can find something better? There’s no shame in working a job strictly for money. Most of us do.

But if there’s anything out there you’d rather be doing, something more meaningful to you, that has even the slightest chance of keeping you afloat financially, then why aren’t you? For so many of us, the answer is self doubt.

Look deep within yourself.

Examine the degree to which you truly feel self worth, because that’s the engine that powers everything else.

Your car can’t get anywhere without an engine. You can’t get anywhere without a powerful sense of self worth.

Affirmations About Self Worth:

Why do so many people lack self worth?

Affirmations about self worth: Learn to overcome the pain of the past.

Because we’ve been abused.

We’ve been beating ourselves up for not having fought back. We wonder if maybe, just maybe, we deserved the abuse because there was something wrong with us.

We’ve been neglected by overworked parents, themselves under tremendous pressure just to put food on the table.

We’ve been bullied by classmates in grade school and in high school, crucial periods when are self-concept was still taking shape.

All of these things occurred years ago, maybe decades.They might not have been so devastating had we not replayed the offenses in our minds over and over again, obsessing over why things didn’t go the way we hoped, why people did what they did.

The more we relive the events that make us feel worthless, the more we feel worthless. With enough practice, feeling worthless can become a permanent part of your character.

Affirmations About Self Worth:

A little “know-how” goes a long way!

Sometimes we lack self-worth simply because we’ve never been taught how to develop it. Everyone knows how important self worth is, but very few people are ever told HOW to have it.

When we don’t know specifically what to do, we do nothing, and then our self-esteem comes and goes with the wind. It fluctuates according to whatever’s happening in our lives.

Affirmations About Self Worth:

Where does self worth come from?

It doesn’t come from accomplishment.

Some of the highest paying professions also have the highest suicide rates.

Star athletes fall into deep depressions when they lose, or when they can no longer compete due to age or injury.

If you want genuine, unbreakable self worth – the kind that doesn’t fluctuate with the ups and downs of life – then don’t base it on accomplishment!

It doesn’t come from the love of others.

It’s nice to be loved.

But being loved isn’t enough to feel genuine self worth. Basing your self-esteem on the love of others is always a recipe for disaster.

What happens when the people who love you pass away? What happens when your husband or wife leaves you? What happens when your friends turn their backs on you?

I don’t mean to sound negative, but these things happen. If you base your entire self worth on whether or not they like you, then you’re setting yourself up to get wrecked.

Affirmations About Self Worth:

True self worth can only come from yourself!

affirmations about self worth: it must be achieve on your own. No one can give it to you.

No one can give it to you. No one can take it away. You decide what you think of yourself, and that’s a choice.

You’ve got to choose to reject all the bad things anyone’s ever said about you. You’ve got to realize that no one’s opinion matters except your own.

I’ve seen beautiful women with botched plastic surgeries they never needed in the first place. Some of them are still in their teens and 20’s, getting face-lifts and collagen injections before their first wrinkle!

It doesn’t matter how much attention they get from suitors, fans, or social media followers. They don’t feel beautiful, no matter how much adoration they receive, so they go under the knife.

Okay, but exactly HOW do I generate self worth?

I’d be a jerk to tell you self worth “comes from inside you,” and leave it at that. That’s the advice most people give.

The real question is how do we generate self worth ourselves? 

If only there were a simple technique anyone could do in their spare time. If only there was an exercise that, like lifting weights to grow our muscles, could grow our self-esteem!

There is!

Positive affirmations are a way of permanently altering your mind in such a way that you start to feel good about yourself.

They work by reaching deep into your subconscious mind – the part of your mind that believes whatever information you give it, then causes you to act accordingly.

That’s why you flinch during horror movies! Your conscious mind knows you’re safe, but your subconscious mind thinks everything it sees and hears is real. So it tries to jolt you out of your seat and run away from the monsters.

Affirmations about self worth are a way of hacking into this system. It’s a way of manipulating your brain into thinking and feeling all the right things automatically.

Affirm that you have self worth, and you WILL start to feel that way. You’ll start to act that way.

The best part is that no one can ever take it away from you, because it didn’t come from them. It came from you!

The key is repetition and consistency. Repeat anything often enough and it becomes internalized. At that point, your whole life will start to improve.

Affirmations About Self Worth:

The Method

Read the affirmations at the top of this page for 5 minutes straight, every single day.

There are two methods:

1. The easiest is to simply watch the video. It combines inspiring music with pleasant background imagery, darkened in order to make the affirmations easier to read.

2. The second way is to print out the PDF sheet. Read it somewhere comfortable and free of distraction. I prefer to lie down while reading, but you can do it anywere.

You can also hang a copy of this sheet on your bedroom wall, or in the bathroom, or in your office cubicle. By placing it somewhere you’re bound to see it, you almost force yourself to read them everyday, and that’s the key.

Remember, 5 minutes straight. Use a countdown timer, so you’ll be free to concentrate fully on the affirmations, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes is the minimum, but the more you do, the faster your results will come.

How do you know when the affirmations about self worth are working?

You’ll know when you start to feel better about yourself, and about your prospects in the world.

You won’t be so shy anymore, with your boss or with anyone else.

You’ll stop doubting yourself. Instead, you’ll charge after goals you once thought were impossible.

You’ll know that you’re smart enough, ambitious enough, and hard-working enough to make victory inevitable, as long as you just keeping working at it.

You’ll become less self-conscious which will make you a more fun person to be around. When that happens, both your social life and love life will improve.

Remember, true self worth comes from you. No one can give it to you; you have to take it!

Do the affirmations.

Good luck!


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