“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works. It works every time with every person.”
Affirmations for Abundance enable you to create abundance, not just in your mind, but in reality.
Bob Proctor

Affirmations for Abundance

  • The universe gives me everything I need!
  • I’ve got food, water, and shelter, and I’m grateful for all of it.
  • Money comes to me constantly! I’m a very lucky person.
  • My life is full of family, friends, and happy experiences.
  • I’ve got so much to be happy about. I’ve already been given a lot!
  • I’m in a good mood because I see the good in everything.
  • I feel great! There’s a bright side to all situations.
  • My wealth is growing everyday! I do everything I can to build my wealth.
  • I’m healthy and fit because I exercise and eat right.
  • I live a life of abundance, gratefulness, and joy.

Affirmations for Abundance: You Attract What You Are!

affirmations for abundance: the TRUE path to prosperity. Affirmations for money

The universe responds to our most frequent thoughts and feelings.

Whatever energy we put out is exactly what we attract. Sages and prophets have been preaching this all over the world for thousands of years.

The principle holds true whether your mind is full of good thoughts or bad.

If you think good thoughts, good things will tend to happen to you. If you think bad thoughts, bad things will tend to happen. Does that sound like an oversimplification? Perhaps it is, but it’s absolutely true.

We’ve all met someone who is perpetually in a good mood. They’re so light hearted, so happy-go-lucky, that good luck seems to follow them wherever they go! Why is that?

We’ve also met people who are dark, depressed, and anxious all the time. Disaster follows them around like a rain cloud.

They don’t mean any harm. They might be very kind people. But for some reason, they just can’t seem to shake their bad luck!

Affirmations for Abundance:

Two Types of People, Two Different Paths!

affirmations for abundance: 2 types of people, 2 types of fates

It’s natural to assume the light-hearted person is happy because they’ve benefited from fortunate events, and the depressed person is depressed because of unfortunate events. This is true, initially.

After that, the law of attraction takes over, magnifying and multiplying what’s already there. In other words…

Light hearted people are lucky because they’re light hearted.

The universe feels their positive vibes and sends it right back to them in the form of increased abundance: more money, more friends, and better relationships.

Depressed people are unlucky because they’re depressed. The universe feels their dark vibes and sends it right back to them: banana peels and rakes wherever they step.

The universe isn’t trying to be malicious, but for the unlucky, it creates a terrible cycle that’s hard to escape from. It doesn’t seem fair, and perhaps it isn’t!

But it is what it is.

That being said, leave aside the esoteric for now.

Even if you don’t believe what I’ve said up to this point. Even if you don’t believe the universe responds to your thoughts and feelings, what absolutely cannot be denied is this:

YOU respond to your most frequent thoughts and feelings.

The more you think something, the more it becomes a habit to think it. Your thoughts become your behaviors, and your behaviors determine the course of your entire life.

If you constantly think about abundance, you’re unconscious mind will lead you to it. It will force you to take little steps in the right direction, everyday, until what’s in your head has been obtained.

Affirmations for Abundance:

Defeat the Randomness of Life!

Most people, “lucky” or “unlucky,” aren’t aware of what they’re doing. Random events started them on a certain path, and then inertia took over.

But “lucky people” can’t always stay on the path of abundance. They’re not even aware they’re on a path, much less of the need to stay on it. 

Unlucky people can never seem to find the right path for exactly the same reason. They just don’t know how the universe works; they don’t know why they’re constantly struggling.

With affirmations, that all changes. You’re in control. You choose your own path. There’s nothing random about it.

Do you want a life of abundance? Then program yourself to create that life!

If you believe the world is full of wealth, love, and everything you could ever need, it will be. Work on your mind through a process of self-programming, and your daily habitual actions will start to change. 

As your actions change, the universe starts to comply with the energy you’re putting out, and your wealth begins to grow.

Affirmations for Abundance, affirmations for prosperity

Affirmations for Abundance:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, every day.

Watch the video (set to pleasant imagery and music), or read the PDF sheet to yourself. Each has unique benefits. For the fastest results do both.

When you read the PDF, it’s important to set a countdown timer so you can focus on what you’re reading, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

Go someplace quiet where you won’t be distracted. Silence your phone. 

5 minutes!

How do you know when your affirmations for abundance are working?

You’ll know they’re working when you start to automatically think about abundance throughout the day. You’ll feel happier about your life, appreciating what you already have while simultaneously expecting to receive much more.

You’ll see countless opportunities to get more out of life, and you’ll take these opportunities whenever you can. You will start to make more money. You’ll know what to do with it to make it grow.

Your life will get better and better, and an abundance of all that is good will be yours.

Affirmations don’t create what you want out of thin air. They change your life by changing you, improving the quality of your thoughts through practice and repetitionRemember: what you think most becomes who you are. 

Money. Friends. Love. All of it can be yours!

You just have to reach out and take it. The first step is to get control of your mind.

Good luck!

(For more help getting rich, please see affirmations for money, finances, and wealth. Don’t forget, though, that true wealth means having a great family life.)


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