“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
Morrie Schwartz believed that the most important thing in life was the give and receive love. Affirmations to attract love can help you do that.
Morrie Schwartz
Sociologist, Author

Affirmations for Attracting Love

  • I’m a very loving person, and I attract love into my life.
  • I’m smart, I’m physically attractive, and I’m fun to be around!
  • It’s easy to fall in love with a person like me.
  • I’m creating a fun life for myself that draws other people in.
  • I exercise, I dress well, and I’m a good person. I deserve to be loved.
  • I always look for opportunities to meet new people. I enjoy putting myself out there.
  • I love talking to everyone I see. I feel chatty around strangers!
  • I’m a great conversationalist and a great listener.
  • It’s fun to flirt, go on dates, and connect with people.
  • I love being around new people. Everyone fascinates me.

How to Beat Loneliness


affirmations for attracting love: find love by programming yourself to.

We all need love.

Not everyone wants to believe it, but it’s true.

Did you know that orphan babies fail to thrive if they aren’t given physical affection? They can have food, water, and protection from the elements, but without affection they can die.

In lab experiments, baby chimpanzees were given a choice between food, or a stuffed animal replica of an adult female. They chose the replica every single time.

Human beings need each other. That’s why even the most hardened criminals are terrified of solitary confinement.

The deepest relationship you can ever have in this world is with a romantic partner.

Recognizing your need for love is a crucial first step in finding it. That need, which is inherent in all humans, may seem obvious to you, but it’s not like that for everyone.

Plenty of wounded people deny feeling any need for love at all. It makes them feel weak and vulnerable, so they bury it. They repress it. They fail to act on it, and they often wind up alone.

Don’t let that happen to you!

How Do You Attract Love?

affirmations for attracting love: program yourself to do what it takes to find love

By becoming an attractive person!

Do I mean physically? Yes, of course. But you don’t have to be an international super model. You don’t have to be in the prime of your youth.

You do have to demonstrate a high sense of self worth, and that means taking care of your health and physical appearance.

Self esteem is attractive. Intelligence is attractive. Having friends, hobbies, and interests outside of binge-watching Netflix is attractive.

If you want to attract love, keep improving yourself! Cultivate a life that others would want to be a part of.

You should already be developing yourself anyway, just based on principle (i.e, stagnation is for chumps), but especially if you hope to attract a loving, intelligent, high quality partner to fall in love with!

Affirmations for Attracting Love: Be What You Want to Attract!

affirmations for attracting love: you've got to become what you want to attract!

If you want to find a loving partner, make sure you’re a loving person yourself. Cultivate a positive attitude about life, and about others in general (this site can help). Find reasons to be happy.

Believe it or not, people can sense how you feel inside, and nobody wants to date a lemon-head. Nobody wants a “Debbie-Downer.” They’ve got their own problems to worry about.

When you already feel good inside, your happiness will radiate outward, and people will be drawn to you like flies to a bug zapper! It all starts with you, and the positive vibes you give off based on your mentality.

I know it’s hard.

You feel bad because you’re alone. To stop being alone, it helps to feel good. But you can’t feel good because you’re alone.

It’s a Catch-22 and it’s brutal, but that’s the way it is.

Have faith in yourself. Millions of other people from all walks of life, and of all ages, have found romantic partners. You will, too, if you just keep trying!

Put Yourself Out There!

Affirmations for Attracting Love: Become what you want to attract!

So you’re working on yourself. You’re finding ways to be happy. You’re becoming the kind of person others would want to be around.

It all means nothing unless you deliberately put yourself in a “target rich environment.”

How can you meet the person of your dreams if you keep hiding at home, where no one can find you?

Join a meet-up group. Go to church. Take a class.

Find a hobby the requires you to get out of the house and interact with people.

Do whatever you can to regularly meet new people, and when you meet them, talk to them!

All of this will come naturally, if only you could get your mind right!

spiritual affirmations: near death experiences tell us what's important in life.

All the shyness and insecurity you’ve suffered is a symptom of improper thinking. 

The inclination to not make an effort, to sit around at home and wait for love to find you, comes from the fact that you’ve been hurt before, and you’re afraid of being rejected.

You can’t let fear control you. Fighting it is difficult, especially after it’s been given so much time to take root in your mind, but it can be done!

The way to beat fear and negativity is to overwhelm them both, everyday, with a typhoon of positive thought. By repeating affirmations for attracting love day after day, you’ll form new mental habits that speed up the process of actually finding love.

Program your mind to achieve what you want, and success is inevitable.

Affirmations for Attracting Love:

The Method

Read these affirmations to yourself over and over for 5 minutes straight! Do it everyday. 

You can print out the PDF found at the top of this page, or watch the video. Each has it’s own unique benefits. For best results, use both!

Find a place where it’s quiet and you won’t be distracted. Silence your phone. Set a timer. This is the most important 5 minutes of your day.

Keep reading the affirmations for attracting love until you feel a quiet calm coming over you. That’s your mind opening up to the power of repetition. It’s good for you. Keep going!

5 minutes straight.

You’ll know the affirmations for attracting love are working when you start feeling better about your situation.

You’ll feel an ever-increasing faith that you will be able to find a loving partner if you just keep trying, so you do try.

You’ll take action to develop yourself, to put yourself out there, to cultivate a positive vibe that’s irresistible to everyone within range. In the end, you’ll find someone.

Your romantic partner is out there.

Do the affirmations. Attract them into your life.

Good luck!

(If your last relationship left you badly wounded, please see affirmations for self love and forgiveness.)

(Meeting new people can be hard when you’re self conscious about your looks. Please see affirmation of beauty.) 


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