“There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Nelson Mandela believed in the power of belief. Affirmations for career can help you find your own path of maximum achievement.
Nelson Mandela
Freedom Fighter, President of South Africa

Affirmations for Career

  • I’m a highly capable person with unlimited earning potential!
  • I refuse to limit myself. I can do anything!
  • I constantly strive to advance in life.
  • I always look for opportunities to advance in my career, and I take them!
  • I enjoy taking on new responsibilities. Any employer is lucky to have me!
  • I act and speak like a professional, and I’m great at handling pressure.
  • I’m smart enough to excel at any job!
  • I put maximum effort into everything I do, and my colleagues notice.
  • I deserve to make more money, and I prove it constantly with my productivity.
  • I’ll apply for any job, regardless of the “qualifications.” I’ll take a shot at anything, because I can do anything!

Affirmations for Career:

The Quickest Way to Get Ahead!

affirmations for career: it's all about what's in your head!

More than 50% of Americans aren’t satisfied with their job. 

That’s tragic when you consider how short life is.

It’s tragic when you consider how most of us spend half our lives working (or dressing for work, or driving to work, or driving home from work).

Your pay might be too low. Your job might not be fulfilling. Your boss may not appreciate you. There’s got to be something better out there for you!

Don’t worry. There is.

You can find a great career. You can make much more money than you do now. But first things first – you’ve got to get your mind right!

What’s Holding You Back?

A lot of times it’s apathy, plain and simple. You hate your job, but you feel like your next job might be worse, so why rock the boat? 

“Better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t.” Right?


Your next job might be amazing! It might pay better. Your boss might be cooler. Your next coworkers might become friends for life. 

You have no way of knowing any of this until you get there! 

You’ve only got one life to live. Why waste it doing something you hate for less money than you want?

You can’t find your perfect career unless you’re willing to try different careers. The gods favor those with courage, and are repulsed by cowardice. Don’t be a victim to your own fear!

If you can’t afford to be unemployed right now, then save up money before quitting. Better yet, don’t quit your current job until you’ve already found a new one. 

But start looking now!

How to Advance

affirmations for career: you're either progressing, or digressing. There is no stagnation.

If you want to advance in your career (or in life), then become the kind of person who deserves to advance.

Work harder than your co-workers, complain less, and volunteer for more responsibilities. Show your employer that you’re capable of doing more, if only you were given the chance.

Most people don’t want that chance. They don’t want responsibility. They’re satisfied with mediocre pay, in a comfortable position, with as little pressure as possible.

Only the most exceptional people want to be challenged. Employers know this! Many of them will put you in line for better job or a higher position if you just tell them you’re ready for it.

Doing all of that may sound daunting, but it’s easy once you’ve used affirmations to create the right mindset!

What if you're unemployed?

If you don’t have a job yet, then go out and ask for one in person. Don’t be an anonymous online resume. 

If their official process is to submit your application online, do so. Then go in person and turn in a hard copy anyway. Tell them you just wanted an excuse to stop by, see the inside of the building, and say hi. 

affirmations for career: get out there and network! Drop off your application in person whenever possible!

Take the opportunity to ask 1 or 2 quick, thoughtful, friendly questions about the company, then depart. 

Let them see you and feel your energy. If they like you, they might give you the job on the spot. Or, they might schedule you for an interview. 

At the minimum, they’ll put your application at the top of the pile, just for having the gumption to show up in person.

Affirmations for Career: It’s All About What’s in Your Head

get your mind right, and all the success you could ever want will follow.

If you fill your head with crap, crap is all you’ll get out of it, and let’s be honest – so many of our habitual thoughts are counterproductive and self-sabotaging! That’s why finding a career (and advancing within it) is so hard.

Crappy thoughts make for a crappy life.

“I wish I had a better paying career, but I don’t have enough schooling.”

“It costs too much money. It takes too much time. I’m too old. I’m not good enough. No one will hire me.”

These thoughts are all garbage. They serve no purpose except to hold you back.

Take the time to fill your head with thoughts of achievement, advancement, and success, and you’ll naturally start gravitating toward it. You’ll start unconsciously taking all the right steps to finding a career you love, and excelling at it.

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes a day, everyday. Do it in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

Silence your phone. Set a timer. Concentrate! (You can also watch the video above.)

5 minutes.

The more you read affirmations for career, the more those affirmations become habitual. Useless thoughts of self doubt and complacency will give way to a new vision of yourself – a vision of how you could be earning money without feeling abused, exploited, or unappreciated. 

You’ll begin to see yourself as the master of your own destiny, endowed with the intelligence and motivation to advance in any career you choose.

Once you start thinking like that, your behavior will change, and then the whole world will open up for you.

How Do You Know When the Affirmations for Career are Working?

success affirmations: the secret to becoming a great success

You’ll know your affirmations for career are working when your current job begins to feel a little more tolerable. You won’t feel as trapped anymore.

You’ll understand that no matter how frustrated you are now, it’s only temporary – something bigger and better is just around the corner.

You’ll stop thinking of excuses for why you can’t find a good career, or why you can’t advance in the career you’re already in. 

You’ll begin strategizing for ways to get ahead. You’ll feel motivated to do whatever it takes, for however long it takes, to get what you want.

You’ll also begin to see opportunities for career advancement. Those opportunities have always been there, but they were invisible to you. At last, you’ll finally have eyes that see.

Do the affirmations. Find your career. Make that money.

Good luck!

(If you want more work related affirmations, check out this page: Affirmations for Job!)

(If you’re interested in getting rich someday, please see affirmations for wealth, success, and prosperity.)


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