"Jesus was God spelling himself out in language humanity could understand."
S.D Gordon
Author, Minister

Affirmations for Christians

  • I love all people.
  • I forgive those who have hurt me.
  • I always stand up for what’s right, regardless of the consequences.
  • I love helping other people.
  • I’m generous with my money and my time.
  • I go out of my way to help those in need.
  • I have faith in God, and in Jesus, and my faith is unbreakable.
  • I treat all people as I’d like to be treated.
  • I have sympathy for everyone, even those who have hurt me.
  • Money and power don’t impress me. I bow down to God, and to God alone.

Affirmations for Christians:

The BEST Way to Follow Jesus' Path!

Affirmations for Christians: Program yourself to think more like Christ.

For Christians, and even for many non-Christians, Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of how we should live. Throughout his brief ministry, he exemplified all the qualities good people have strived to attain for eons.

The affirmations on this page were created using the life of Jesus as an example. They are designed to instill in you some if his qualities. 

By reading them frequently, you can program yourself to think and behave more like him, so that you can live a happier, fuller life.

Affirmations for Christians:

What were the characteristics of Jesus?


Jesus’ unique ability to completely forgive his enemies, even as they were killing him, has come to define life. He broke from 2,000 years of tradition when he taught his followers to “turn the other cheek.”

“An eye for an eye” was the law of the land since the time of Hammurabi, but Jesus didn’t break from tradition lightly. He backed his words up with action.

“Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” Those were his last words as he was being crucified, a method of execution invented specifically for the amount of prolonged suffering it created.

Jesus’ ability to forgive his enemies, even as he hung on the cross, to me, was just as great a demonstration of power as walking on water, or turning water into wine.

If you want to be like him, you’ve got to forgive. It can’t just be words, either. You’ve got to actually feel it, as Jesus did. Affirmations for Christians can help you do that.

affirmations for forgiveness, affirmations for Christians


Jesus fed the poor with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

In fact, almost every time he demonstrated supernatural powers, he did it in the service of others.

He wasn’t just generous with food, either. He was generous with his time, meeting people from all walks of life. The rich, the poor, the old, the young. He didn’t turn anyone away.

Even when he became well known, and thousands of people followed him daily, he still considered everyone worthy of his time, even children.


Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, and raised the dead.

He loved helping people.

Even when he was being arrested, and one of his apostles sliced off the ear of one of the “cops,” what did Jesus do? He immediately healed it. 

He had sympathy for everyone, even his attackers, and he constantly made an effort to serve them, right up until the end.

We should do the same.


Jesus stood up for what he believed was right, regardless of the consequences. 

When he chased the money changers out of the temple, he had to have known they’d plot to kill him in retaliation. But he kicked them out of the temple anyway, because it was the right thing to do.

He refused to apologize for crimes he didn’t commit, even when Pontius Pilot, the governor, might have offered him a pardon if he did.

The devil tried to bribe him in the desert, offering him all the kingdoms of the earth if he’d switch allegiance, but Jesus refused. He couldn’t be bought.

Jesus wasn’t impressed by money or power. That’s why he wasn’t intimidated by the Pharisees, or Pilot, or bankers, or soldiers. 

God was the only authority in his life, not the state.

Affirmations for Christians: Jesus was a man of peace and love, but he never bowed down to authority.

Affirmations for Christians:

When did it become okay to be a wuss?

Cultural Marxists intent on destroying Western civilization have flooded our media with propaganda intended to convince us that there is no such thing as morality.

That “right” and “wrong” are relative to the culture you grew up in. That calling anyone or anything “evil” is judgmental, bigoted, and possibly racist

They want us to believe it’s okay to break from principle, as long as you feel physically or financially threatened.

They want us to believe it’s okay to “take the money and run,” as long as the payout is good enough.

They want us to believe it’s okay to be cowards.

affirmations for christians: positive affirmations can protect your mind from becoming brainwashed and enslaved

But it’s not okay. That’s not how Jesus lived, and it’s not how we should live.

The alternative, of course, is a society of snowflakes who can be pushed around by corrupt politicians and their billionaire, globalist masters; a society of fragile citizens with no guiding principles to stop them from melting down under the slightest pressure.

That’s why Marxists and Communists hate religion. 

They want you to be weak. They want you to be loyal to the State (them), and no one else.

Always remember: One of the first steps of any communist revolution has been to destroy churches.

Affirmations for Christians:

To be like Jesus, you’ve got to get your mind right.

You can use affirmations to program yourself to think and behave more like Jesus. All you have to do is read these affirmations frequently enough for them to take hold in your mind.

Once they have, you won’t need to force yourself to act charitably. You’ll do it automatically, because you genuinely want to.

You won’t be tempted to “weigh your options” the next time an authority figure like your boss, or your government, asks you to do something that violates your principles.

You won’t need 20 years of psychotherapy before you’re able to genuinely forgive your enemies. You’ll sympathize with them. You’ll sense their pain. 

You’ll know they only hurt you because of their own ignorance, insecurity, or lack of spiritual development, and you’ll refrain from the instinct to retaliate.

Affirmations for Christians:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, everyday. Do it in a place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Silence your phone. Set a timer.

You can watch the video, or read the PDF printout. Both of them have their own advantages. For the best results, use both methods!

If you aspire to be a good Christian, then these are the most important 5 minutes of your day.

Keep reading the affirmations to yourself, over and over. After a minute or two, it will start to feel like meditation. That’s your mind opening up to the suggestions, internalizing them into your subconscious mind.

If you read these affirmations in morning, they’ll set the mood for the rest of the day.

To be like your heroes, you’ve got to think like your heroes, and who better to think like than Jesus Christ.

Do the affirmations. Love your neighbors. Forgive your enemies.

Good luck!

(To me, the most important thing Jesus taught us was to forgive. Please see affirmations for forgiveness.)


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