"There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort."
Affirmations for Happiness: It's all in your head.
Charlotte Bronte
Novelist, Poet

Affirmations for Happiness

  • I’m a simple person. Simple things make me happy!
  • I value friendships and relationships more than “stuff.”
  • I’m a very optimistic person. I see the bright side of every situation!
  • I love my life, and I love who I am. I’ve got a lot of reasons to be happy!
  • I can overcome any challenge. Tough times are only temporary!
  • I value friendship a lot. I keep in touch with all of my friends.
  • I love my family. I talk to them all the time.
  • I appreciate everything I have in my life. I’ve got a lot to appreciate!
  • I treat my friends and family well because they’re important to me.

Affirmations for Happiness:

The Truth About Being Happy

affirmations for happiness: Affirmations can program your mind to see the good in your life, and to focus on that which truly matters.

We all want to be happy. 

That’s the objective of every human being who’s ever lived.

But how do you do that? You’d think after five thousand years of recorded history, we’d have a solid answer by now.

What’s a person to do?

Happiness Killers

Loved ones die. Marriages end. Friends move away.

We’ve got addictions, financial uncertainty, and physical illness.

We’ve got jobs that suck, Marxist politicians who want to collapse the economy, and the anxiety of never knowing what’s going to happen next.

In this day and age (and probably in any age), it can be very difficult to just be happy!

Affirmations for Happiness:

What Brings Long-Term Happiness?

Entertainment doesn’t work.

It just eats up your time. 

It also desensitizes you, leaving you with a desire for more extreme forms of entertainment: more violence, more gratuity, more special effects. (Just compare what’s shown on TV now to 20 years ago!)

Success doesn’t work.

The higher you climb, the scarier it is to fall. That pressure has driven more than a few people insane. It’s also robbed them of time they could have spent with family, as many “successful” people have lamented on their deathbeds.

Drugs don’t work.

They might feel good for a while, but it never lasts, and the extreme cost to your body and wallet far exceeds any pleasure gained.

Money doesn’t work.

Plenty of knuckleheads have won the lottery and then imploded mentally, spiritually, and financially, sometimes within months!

Fame doesn’t work.

Just look at Hollywood, rife with narcissistic, coke snorting pedophiles flying to Epstein Island, while simultaneously virtue signaling any way they can on social media, in a desperate attempt to stay relevant.

Affirmations for Happiness:

Stop looking in the wrong places!

If all of what I’ve said is true, then maybe happiness doesn’t require incredible feats of achievement.

Maybe it doesn’t require anything so dramatic as fame or fortune. Maybe it’s not the result of buying more stuff.

I don’t know about you, but the happiest human beings I’ve ever met were simple people living simple lives. They weren’t rich. They weren’t famous.

They were toddlers rolling on the carpet just because they could. They were old couples sitting in the park feeding pigeons.

Whether old or young, rich or poor, in all cases, they seemed to have a positive attitude about life, and they were close to their friends and family.

And that was it.

Affirmations for Happiness:

Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.

Affirmations for Happiness: Program your mind to find joy in simple things.

Keep a positive attitude, and cultivate good relationships with friends and family.

That is what most consistently results in happiness according to the longest scientific study ever conducted on the subject, and I tend to agree.

I’m not saying it’s easy.

God knows family life can be riddled with arguments, grudges, and betrayals. Friendships can be equally complicated and difficult to maintain. 

It’s hard to keep a positive outlook on life when your life seems like it’s falling apart. But pessimism never helped anyone, and if you had to throw all of your eggs into one basket, relationships seem like the best bet.

Not fortune. Not fame. Not glory.

Friends and family, and a good attitude. That’s it!

The affirmations on this page were designed to help you do exactly that.

Affirmations for Happiness:

The Method

Print the affirmations at the top of this page. Read them everyday for 5 minutes straight, preferably in the morning. (You can also watch the video.)

Eliminate all distractions. Silence your phone. Go to a place where you can be alone, away from people or pets.

Use a countdown timer, so your brain is free to focus on what you’re reading, instead of constantly wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes straight, every single day!

The more you read them, the more these thoughts will become permanent fixtures in your mind. At that point, they’ll start changing your behavior, enabling you to effortlessly and inevitably become a happier person. 

Why? Because you’ll finally be focusing on that which actually matters!

How Do You Know When Your Affirmations are Working?

You’ll know your affirmations are working because you’ll be happier!

Doing the affirmations every day will permanently change your outlook on life, and on the value of your relationships.

It doesn’t take long. It just takes a little consistency. 

If you’re new to affirmations, my suggestion would be to watch the 5 minute video at the top of this page. Just watch it one time. If it makes you feel good, watch it again tomorrow, and the next day. 

The more mental training you give yourself, the better off you’re going to be.

So much of your happiness depends on how you see the world, and how you subjectively interpret your life. The more optimistic you become, the less stress you’ll feel, and the faster you’ll recover from tragedies.

The more time you invest in cultivating good relationships with your friends and family, the less lonely you’ll feel.

Don’t underestimate the need for relationships. Human beings are social creatures. We need friends and family just like we need food and water.

Do the affirmations.

Program your mind to focus on that which truly matters: A good attitude, and the love of family and friends.

Good luck!

(Having a good relationship with your family sometimes means letting go of grudges and truly forgiving those who damaged you. Please see affirmations for forgiveness.)

(You can’t buy happiness, but money does help as long as you use it properly. Please see affirmations for money, wealth, prosperity, and abundance.)


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