"You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
Marcus Aurelius
Emperor of Rome, Philosopher

Affirmations for Healing

  • I feel great! My immune system is incredibly powerful.
  • I can feel my body healing!
  • I’m healthy and energetic. I’m in my prime!
  • My immune system fights off disease magnificently!
  • I feel fantastic. I’m getting better everyday!
  • My injuries are fading away. My body is stronger than ever!
  • My cells are constantly regenerating. I’m a fast healer.
  • My body is a machine that constantly repairs itself.
  • I feel healthier and stronger than ever before!
  • My body is purifying itself. I’m healing, and I feel great!

Affirmations for Healing:

How to Speed Up Recovery by
Training the MIND!

Affirmations for Healing: You can use affirmations anywhere.

You can heal yourself using the power of your mind, and it doesn’t require 50 years of intense meditation in the Himalayas. Anyone can do it.

In fact, regular people do it all the time.

Let me explain.

The Placebo Effect

affirmations for healing: the placebo effect proves our ability to heal using only the mind.

Every time a pharmaceutical company tests a new drug, they must account for the “placebo effect.” 

What’s that, you ask? In a nutshell, it’s the power of the mind to heal the body without drugs, surgery, or sorcery.

It goes like this: 

One group of patients are given an experimental drug. The other is given a fake pill.

Researchers legally have to monitor how many people receiving the fake pill get better, because many of them do get better! 


Because they weren’t told their treatment was fake. They believed it was real, and their cells responded accordingly.

The placebo effect is scientific proof that believing you’ll heal can actually make you heal.

If positive thoughts heal, what do negative thoughts do?

According to the Journal of Public Health, people whose spouses die have a 66% increased chance of dying themselves within 3 months. Why?

The answer is depression.

When a person is extremely depressed, they experience digestive problems. They have trouble sleeping.They feel anxious. 

They lack energy. They lose weight. Their immune system weakens, and they get sick.

All of these physical problems come about as a result of their emotional state, which is a product of their thoughts.

Retired people live longer when they’ve got friends, and less when they don’t.

Athletes have more strength and stamina when they’re in a good mood, and less when they’re sad.

If you want to heal yourself, you must eliminate negative thoughts that weaken you, while internalizing positive ones that give you strength. If you can do that, incredible things become possible.

Incredible Feats of the Mind!

affirmations for healing

Lots of people who suffer spinal injuries are told by doctors they’ll never walk again. 

But they don’t accept the prognosis.

Instead of giving up, they visualize themselves walking again constantly. They stare at their legs for hours at a time, commanding them to move! 

They do this over and over, for so long, that eventually the message gets through, and their legs do start to move!

There are Tibetan monks who can increase their body temperature by 17 degrees through meditation.

Affirmations for Healing: Monk meditating under tree.

Other people can slow their heart rate to frighteningly low levels, also using meditation.

All of this suggests that your mind has the power to influence your body in profound ways, and to a far greater extent than most people are aware of.

Take Advantage!

Whatever your illness is, you may be able to slow it down, stop it, or reverse it by concentrating your mind everyday on healing.

Whatever your injury is, you may be able to speed up recovery and minimize pain by visualizing your body repairing itself.

Believe you’ll get better, and there’s a good chance you will get better!

Affirmations for Healing:

What to Do?

Go to a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be distracted, and visualize yourself healing. Do it everyday for as long as you can!

Some people visualize a white light engulfing their body and repairing it.

Others imagine watching their immune system at the microscopic level fighting the infection and winning. 

Whatever you do, try to feel your body tingling as it repairs itself and gets stronger.

Stay optimistic!

Imagine all the fun things you plan on doing after you’ve healed. See yourself enjoying the strength and mobility of your newly healed body, doing fun things with people you love.

Cultivate the expectation that you will get better, and never stop thinking about it.

The more time you time you spend visualizing yourself healing, the sooner your body will respond.

The most important step is to BELIEVE you can heal.

meditation with positive affirmations

By reading affirmations, you program these thoughts into your subconscious mind. You create the expectation that you’re body is getting stronger, and that your healing. 

And your cells respond.

Affirmations for Healing:

The Method

Read these affirmations over and over, every morning, for 5 minutes straight!

Print out the PDF and keep it in a binder, or watch the video.

If you’re reading the PDF, use a stopwatch so that your brain can concentrate on entirely on what you’re reading, instead of frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

After a couple of minutes, you may find yourself experiencing a hypnotic-like state. It should feel almost like meditation. 

That’s good! It’s just your brain becoming more receptive to the programming.

Keep going!

5 minutes is the minimum, but the more time you spend on Affirmations for Healing, the better.

Read your affirmations for healing first thing in the morning, so everything that happens afterward will be experienced through a lens of optimism.

Read them just before bed, so they can resonate in your mind while you sleep.

Flood your mind with positive thoughts about healing, stay positive, and good things will happen.

Good luck!

(Note: Long term healing, as well as prevention, requires a healthy lifestyle. Please see affirmations for health.)

(Emotional healing is just as important as physical, maybe more so. If someone’s ever hurt you, please see affirmations for forgiveness.)


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