"The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness."
Affirmations for losing weight are crucial for honoring your health in the way Schopenhauer recommended.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Affirmations for
Losing Weight

  • I love my body!
  • I love working out every single day!
  • I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.
  • I feel great when I’m exercising.
  • I eat only the healthiest, most natural foods I can find!
  • I eat small portions, frequently throughout the day.
  • I am the master of my own body.
  • I’m an extremely health conscious person!
  • Junk food is disgusting, and I refuse to waste my money on it.
  • I love eating raw fruits and vegetables, because they fill me up and give me tons of energy!

Affirmations for Losing Weight:

How to Get in Shape, PERMANENTLY!

Your weight has a tremendous impact on how you feel, not just physically, but mentally.

If you’re overweight, your energy levels are reduced. Your self esteem is reduced. You’re more prone to chronic diseases like diabetes, clogged arteries, and arthritis. You’re more vulnerable to depression.

All of these things not only decrease the quality of your life – they can kill you!

If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.

Health is the single most important thing you can have in life, because it makes all other enjoyments possible!

Getting in shape is a NOBLE goal.

affirmations for losing weight: getting healthy is the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones!

Your desire to lose weight is not vain, and it’s NOT insignificant. It should be applauded. Getting in shape strengthens America!

Does that sound like hyperbole? It’s not. According to the CDC, 70% of our population is overweight.

That means our military cant find enough healthy recruits to keep its ranks strong. Our citizens spend more money on prescription medications than any other country in the world. 

Depression is out of control. Anxiety runs rampant.

All of this is weakening America. If you love this country, it’s your patriotic duty to make yourself as strong and healthy as you can!

Affirmations for Losing Weight:

Reject propaganda!

Don’t buy into the insane attempts of the “body acceptance movement” to indoctrinate us into thinking obese is beautiful. It isn’t!

Not when it leads to premature death via stroke and heart attack. Not when it leads to unnecessary suffering because of diabetes, joint pain, and chronic fatigue.

I sometimes wonder how much of that messaging is funded by Big Pharma, whose profits increase the more sick people are available to pump full of “safe and effective” drugs.

Love your body. Accept your body. It’s the only one you have.

The best way to love and accept your body – the only way – is to give it what it needs: exercise, rest, highly nutritious, natural foods, water, and respect. Do this and weight loss is inevitable.

Affirmations for Losing Weight:

It's Not Complicated.

weightloss affirmations: the secret to consistency is to program your mind, daily! affirmations for losing weight

Burn more calories than you take in, and your body gets smaller.

Simple enough, right? Then why is it so hard?

It’s hard because your mind makes it hard! Most of us are unknowingly suffering from extremely bad habits of thought, most of which were instilled in us when we were young.

If you did something good as a child, you were given a cookie. If it was your birthday, you were given a cake. If you achieved anything at all, you might have been given a pizza party.

Our parents meant well. They just wanted to reinforce our good behavior by making us feel good (with junk food). Unfortunately, it doesn’t make us feel good anymore; not as fully sentient adults, conscious of what the excess fat, sugar, and preservatives are doing to us.

A New Way of Thinking

affirmations for losing weight: lifting weights is a great way to get in shape. Don't just do cardio!

Exercising, taking vitamins, and sleeping at the same time every night are not just habits for professional athletes. They should be normal for everyone!

Eating fruits and vegetables. Drinking water. Having smaller, more frequent meals to increase your metabolism. 

These aren’t things to do only when you’re on a diet. They should be the norm throughout the year!

Get control of your mind! Program it so that daily, healthy lifestyle choices are your baseline, and everything else is a deviation.

affirmations for losing weight: eating healthy is just as important as exercise, if not more so. You won't heart that from the mainstream media, though.

A “Pep Talk” Isn’t Enough.

Telling yourself to “eat better” once in a while won’t work. Promising yourself once or twice to lose the weight off and finally KEEP it off won’t work either.

You’ve got to take time to re-program your mind methodically, obsessively, day after to day. Train yourself to think like the person you want to become!

The desire to eat healthy foods must become habitual. The desire to exercise – any kind of exercise, even walking in place – must become habitual.

Affirmations for Losing Weight:

The Method

Read affirmations for losing weight over and over, for 5 minutes straight. Do it everyday, ideally in the morning before you’ve eaten breakfast.

Find a location where no one will distract you, away from pets and loved ones.

Silence your phone. Concentrate. Use a timer. 

If you’re serious about losing weight, then this time is sacred.

5 minutes.

After only two minutes, you should feel your mind relaxing into a hypnotic, receptive state. That’s good. Keep going!

With enough mental programming, you won’t even crave junk food anymore. You’ll want to be healthy, and you’ll constantly take the small but frequent actions necessary to make yourself healthy.

Excess weight will fall off naturally, forever.

Affirmations for Losing Weight: Exercise is a huge part of it.

This isn’t a temporary “diet” you’re embarking on. It’s deeper than that. It’s a lifestyle change.

It’s you forcefully taking the reigns of your own mind for the sake of permanent self improvement.

Don’t ever forget: The more you think something, the more it becomes a habit to think it. Your habits of thought determine the course of your entire life.

Do the affirmations. Lose the weight.

Good luck!

(You can find more affirmations for weight loss here.)

(If you’re suffering from chronic illness or injury, please read affirmations for healing.)


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