"Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."
Affirmations for Abundance enable you to create abundance, not just in your mind, but in reality.
Bob Proctor
Self Help Author, Lecturer

Affirmations for Manifestation

(Manifestation Supercharger)

  • My mind is incredibly powerful!
  • The universe responds to my thoughts and feelings.
  • I can obtain anything I want if I concentrate on it long enough.
  • The universe is on my side! It gives me what I desire.
  • I think of what I want, then I take action to show the universe I deserve it!
  • The more I think of good things, the more they come to me.
  • I can reach any goal by training my mind to achieve it.
  • I train myself to constantly think of my goals, and all the steps involved in achieving them.
  • I attract what I think of the most, so I deliberately think of good things!
  • I create my reality.

Affirmations for Manifestation:

Is “Manifesting” Real?

affirmations for manifestation: you cancreate the world you want with your mind

It’s absolutely real!

When you think of something frequently enough, the universe tries to give it you. It may not come in the precise form you had hoped for, or as soon as you wanted it, but it comes.

This is just as true for people who obsess over phobias and anxieties, as it is for aspiring business people who dream of being rich someday. The universe tends to give you what you think of the most, whether it’s good or bad.

However, you don’t need to believe in “The Law of Attraction” to understand that affirmations work.

There’s another mechanism at play that is completely logical, predictable, and just as powerful.

What happens when you read affirmations?

Abundant Mentality: You can create it easily with affirmations!

Affirmations change how you think about yourself, your capabilities, and the world around you. What you habitually think of most has a very real impact on your actual experience of the world, and especially on how you behave.

If you tell yourself the universe is constantly setting you up for success, not only will you improve at seeing opportunities around you, you’ll find yourself creating new ones in novel ways. 

No magic is required. 

The affirmation simply improved your ability to perceive opportunity. Those opportunities had always been there, but you couldn’t see them because you didn’t believe they were there. Now you do.

Equally important is the fact that with the right mental programming, it’s easier to find the courage to seize these opportunity. Plenty of people in the world know what they want. They know how to get it. 

But for some reason, they just can’t bring themselves to pull the trigger. Maybe it’s fear of success, or fear of failure. Whatever it is, affirmations can overcome through the power of daily repetition. 

Affirmations for Manifestation:

Affirmations work the same way for all endeavors!

affirmations for strength affirmations for manifestation

 It’s easier to get rich if you believe the universe is helping you get rich. It’s easier to succeed at sports if you believe the universe wants you to succeed at sports.

The universe IS helping you. It does want you to succeed.

By having faith in it, you adopt all kinds of behaviors that, over time, get you what you want.

What happens if you don't hold the right beliefs?

how to get over with your ex: you've got to start programming your mind with positive affirmations.

Most people hate their jobs. They talk about starting their own business all the time, but they never actually try. Why not? 

Because deep down inside, they believe their goals are impossible.

They don’t believe in the law of attraction, they don’t take the time to program their minds, and they usually fail (if they ever get started at all).

Your behavior. Whether or not you pursue your goals. How hard you work to achieve them…

These are all the result of your daily habitual thoughts! Control your thoughts, and you control your destiny.

affirmations for manifestation: you can become whatever you want to become. The first step is to program your mind to believe you already are.

See yourself as a success, and you’ll be a success.

Affirmations for Manifestation:

Instilling reflexive behavior in yourself is the key!

When a cheetah catches its prey, it doesn’t think about what it’s doing. 

It sees a wounded antelope, and BOOM! It charges at 80 miles per hour! There is no hesitation; it’s all instinctual. 

Affirmations for Manifestation: Whatever you want, you need to think of it so often, going after it becomes a reflex, like a cheetah hunting its prey.

That’s how you want to be!

You see a goal, and BOOM! You go after it. You want something to happen in your life, and BOOM! You make it happen!

The more you read affirmations, the more they get internalized to the point of instinct.

Thoughts of failure will no longer have any effect on you. You’ll go after what you want automatically, everyday, because it’s who you are.

In the end, did you achieve your goals, or did the universe give them to you? 

The answer is both. You moved yourself a certain direction via hard work, courage, and persistence, and because of that, the universe decided to tip the scale in your favor. 

Manifestation always happens through the combined power of thought and action. It’s not enough to have one or the other. You need both, and thought comes first.

Affirmations for Manifestation:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, every single day. 

Find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Get comfortable. Set a timer.

5 minutes (minimum).

After the first two minutes, you’ll feel your mind calming down, becoming more receptive to the new programming. That’s a good thing. Keep going!

The best time to read your affirmations is in the morning, while your head is still relatively clear. But do it whenever you can. 

The more often you you read your affirmations, the better your results will be, and the sooner they will come.

You Can Manifest Anything You Want... So Get On It!

affirmations for abundance: the TRUE path to prosperity. Affirmations for money

On one level, the universe responds to the intensity and consistency of your thoughts. Science can’t yet explain it. Textbooks won’t discuss it. 

But there is a force that responds to your will.

On another level, the more you think anything, the more it becomes a habit to think it. Your habits of thought determine your actions, and your actions determine the course of your entire life.

Do the affirmations. Help the universe help you.

Good luck!


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