"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
Benjamin Franklin knew that affirmations for money could help a person achieve wealth.
Benjamin Franklin
Founding Father of the United States, Inventor, Author, Playboy

Affirmations for Money

  • I love generating money!
  • I’m fascinated by the idea of starting a business.
  • I read about business all the time.
  • I take action every day to make money.
  • I love reading books on real estate investment.
  • I’m extremely intelligent, and I love learning about finance!
  • I love making money.
  • I enjoy studying everything I can about how to start a business.
  • I’m destined to become rich!
  • I’m constantly doing things to increase my financial IQ!

Affirmations for Money:

Who Else Wants to Get Rich Automatically?

Affirmations for Money: To obtain money or anything else, you've got to get your mind right.

Will affirmations for money make you rich???

Yes! Of course, they’ll make your rich!

But the mechanism of action may not be what you think it is. There’s no magic involved. Reading affirmations for money won’t make cash materialize out of the ether. 

It will do something better! 

Let me explain.

First, though, let’s talk about what doesn’t work.

Your old thoughts don’t work.

Your old thoughts aren’t making you rich. They weren’t designed to make you rich. On the contrary, they were designed to make you poor.

They aren’t even your thoughts.

Most of what we know is programmed into us by society: school, television, radio, well-intentioned elders who unknowingly instilled in us the same thought patterns that kept them poor.

affirmations for prosperity

How many times were you told, “Money is the root of all evil?”

Why was “Tiny Tim” the poor, sympathetic character who could bring a compassionate tear to our eye, while Scrooge was the rich, selfish jerk who only cared for money? What was that teaching us about what it means to be rich?

Why were all the nice characters on Tiny Toon Adventure middle class or poor, while the rich guy, Montana Max, was portrayed as a jerk?

Affirmations for Money: Those who control the media don't want us to be rich. They need the vast majority of us working jobs for them.

Charlie (of the Chocolate Factory) was dirt poor. Little Orphan Annie was dirt poor. Punky Brewster was dirt poor.

When a Hollywood script writer wants to create a lovable character, the formula has long been established: Make them poor! (Middle class, at best).

By contrast, the bad guy at the end of every spy movie is always rich. Super villains, drug dealers, white collar criminals, mobsters: all rich.

I understand it makes for a more exciting movie, but in real life, the vast majority of people who acquire wealth are just business owners – normal schmoes providing useful goods and services!

Jenny from the Block

Why do ultra wealthy actors, athletes, and musicians constantly hit us over the head with how poor they used to be? They do this as if to excuse their wealth – as if their wealth is a bad thing.

Talking about how “poor” they used to be has become a virtue signal for these celebrity knuckleheads.

Maybe I’m wrong.

Okay, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule: Iron Man was rich. Bruce Wayne was rich.

So maybe its not a deliberate attempt by cultural engineers to enslave us via negative beliefs about money, but that’s been the effect. And that’s the problem!

How do you really feel about money?

affirmations for manifestation: you can become whatever you want to become. The first step is to program your mind to believe you already are.

For so many of us, the word “wealth” has a negative connotation. We unconsciously think of rich people has having gotten their money by being greedy or conniving, or by knowing how to “work the system.”

Let me say it again: In this day and age, most wealthy people are good, law abiding, tax paying citizens running small, family owned businesses.

And they don’t hate money. They aren’t ashamed of it. They don’t fear it. 

They’re not conflicted at all. They love money, and they know what to do with it. 

By using Affirmations for Money, you can internalize the same mental characteristics of these people, so that you, too, can become wealthy.

Characteristics of Actual Rich People (Not Dr. Evil!)

affirmations for money: program your mind to get on it!

For starters, they tend to have at least a basic grasp of accounting. They know how salesmanship works. They study marketing.

Rich people enjoy calculating profit and loss statements, applying for business loans, and strategizing with tax consultants – the kinds of things the rest of us think of as “boring.”

Why is that? 

Why does 99% of society consider these subjects (finance, accounting, investment strategy) boring? These are the subjects that can enable a person to become financially free!

I’ll let you ponder that question on your own, but I will say this:

High school taught you how to dissect a frog and how to turn a potato into a battery. Why didn’t they teach you how to buy real estate for long term, passive income?

Wouldn’t that have been more useful?

Defeat the enemy within.

All the negative thoughts about how rich people are stingy, greedy, corrupt, and shallow are holding you back. They cause you to unconsciously NOT want to be rich.

They imply that if you did become rich, your friends and loved ones might think of you as stingy, greedy, corrupt, and shallow.

The old programming is secretly telling you not to read 20 books on real estate investment. “Too boring.”

It’s telling you not to try over and over to start a business. “Too hard.” “It costs too much.” “That idea has already been done before!”

After so many years, these self-defeating thoughts have become habitual. Now is the time to defeat them.

To do it, you’ve got to practice your new thoughts everyday, until they replace the old ones at the very core of your being! All the thoughts, ambitions, and beliefs must come to mind automatically everyday, so that you take the appropriate actions automatically! 

They’re just little actions at first: reading a book, watching a video, thinking of questions. But the little steps you take each day add up fast, and inevitably result in financial success.

Program yourself to do what it takes to get rich, and you literally won’t be able to not get rich.

The Method

Read these affirmations to yourself over and over for 5 minutes straight. Do it every day in a location where you won’t be disturbed. This is sacred time.

I prefer to lie back on the couch and read them from a binder, but do whatever works for you.

After the first two minutes, you may notice a hypnotic calm coming over you. That’s great! Keep going! That’s your mind relaxing into the new programming.

How do you know when the affirmations for money are working?

affirmations for abundance: the TRUE path to prosperity. Affirmations for money

You’ll know they’re working when you start to think and feel differently. It’s a subtle change at first, but it’s there.

Initially, you might start feeling less anxiety about money. You’ll start telling yourself things like, “I could make more money if I really wanted to.”

Then you’ll start browsing Amazon for simple, inexpensive books to read on wealth creation. After a book or two, you’ll start seeing opportunities around you to start a business.

You’ll wonder how business owners started theirs, how much money they’ve made, and where they’ve been investing it.

Opportunities for wealth creation have always been there, but they were invisible to you.

Do the affirmations. Reprogram your mind. See the world with new eyes.

Good luck!

(For more help getting rich, please see affirmations for wealth and abundance.)

(If you’re looking for a job right now, or you have a job but you hate it, you’ll love the affirmations found here.)


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