“No one ever got rich by studying poverty and thinking about poverty.”
Affirmations for Prosperity: Think about getting rich constantly, and you will get rich.
Wallace D. Wattles
Author of The Science of Getting Rich

Affirmations for Prosperity

(10 Beliefs to Change Your Life)

  • I am a wealth accumulating machine!
  • I see opportunities to make money, and I go after them!
  • I love starting businesses.
  • I love buying assets.
  • I constantly watch videos on how to make money.
  • I read books about entrepreneurship all the time!
  • I love studying the topic of “personal finance.”
  • Money comes to me because I attract wealth.
  • I am smart, I am business savvy, and I’ve got a positive attitude.
  • I’m a wealthy person, inside and out!

Affirmations for Prosperity:
Is it better to be rich or poor?

affirmations for abundance


We all know the the answer is to be RICH, of course.

But do we, really?

They say “money is the root of all evil.” We’ve heard it so many times.

It wouldn’t be shocking if, as a result, some of us hold unconscious, negative beliefs about money that stop us from amassing any real wealth.

Most of us aren’t even aware of our self-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs.

We don’t admit it, not even to ourselves, but a big part of us actually hates money. We hate the personality traits we believe are required to obtain money.

We say we want to be rich, but we turn our noses up at the “snobs” shopping on Rodeo Drive. We drink wine, but we cringe at the thought of being perceived as a “wine expert.” Becoming an expert in wine is something only pretentious, stuck-up, rich people do!

Tiger Woods popularized golf with the general public, but prior to that, lots of working class people didn’t want to play golf. It was seen as an elitist game for people so rich, they’ve got nothing better to do; rich jerks in plaid pants and funny hats.

We think and feel these things while, at the same time, cursing our jobs and wishing we were rich.

Mixed feelings weaken your resolve!

You want to be rich, but you don’t. You want to be admired for your success, but you fear the resentment you’d incur from friends and family.

It’s no wonder that when it comes to achieving real, lasting prosperity, we just can’t seem to get anything done! 

Our brains are fighting themselves!

Affirmations for Prosperity:

Too many cooks in the kitchen.

A kitchen should only have 1 lead chef. 

A ship should only have 1 captain!

To break from this rule, to have multiple captains, would lead to endless debate about where to go and what to do, and no one would go anywhere at all!

affirmations for prosperity: choose 1 goal, and go after it! let all other goals fall by the wayside.

And that’s what happens with most people when they try to get rich. They want wealth, but they can’t make any progress toward it. Their brains are pulling them in multiple directions at the same time!

“I need to get rich so I can escape the rat race!”

“I shouldn’t get rich, otherwise my friends will think I’m too good for them.”

“I love working on my side hustle every single day!”

“I love video games and TV shows… Let me do that first, THEN I’ll work on my business.”

By reading positive affirmations for prosperity, you clarify the path to success. You ensure that your mind is pulling you forward in 1 single direction, and 1 direction only! Your other hobbies and interests must be put on the back-burner while you focus on your 1 goal of financial prosperity.

Negative thoughts about becoming rich, as well as the constant temptation to seek entertainment, are a bi-product of growing up in the wealthiest civilization in the history of the world. It’s truly a fascinating time we’re living in.

But wherever your inner conflict come from, it’s time to get rid of it!

Once you’ve cleared up the psychological confusion, once that tension is eliminated, your progress to wealth will speed up exponentially. It will no longer feel like you’re fighting yourself all the time, and moving forward on the path to prosperity will feel smooth and natural.

Zero conflict. Zero confusion. Just a straight route to victory.

affirmations for prosperity: a rolls royce, a fancy house, nice clothes, they can all be yours if you just program your mind to achieve it! affirmations for finances

Affirmations for Prosperity:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, every single day. 

To do that, just watch the video. Or, you can download the PDF sheet and read it to yourself. Both have their advantages. Try both and see which method you prefer.

In either case, go some place quiet. Silence your phone.

If you’re using the PDF, set a countdown timer so your mind is free to concentrate on the affirmations, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

If you want to achieve prosperity, then this time is sacred.

5 minutes straight.

That’s the minimum, but the more your do, the better.

How do you know when it’s working?

You know your affirmations are taking effect when you feel motivated to work on your side hustle at the cost of time you’d normally spend on entertainment.

You’ll start researching more, reading more, gathering enough information to feel confident about finally striking out into the world of entrepreneurship.

You’ll start to experiment with different business ideas, first in your mind, then in reality.

Plenty of these will fail, but because of the affirmations, you’ll see each “failure” for what they truly are: crucial steps in gaining the experience you need to achieve your goals.

The more experience you gain, the more you’ll be more willing to take chances with your time and money, investing in projects you believe in rather buying more junk to clutter your house.

Fill your head with thoughts of getting rich, and you will get rich. Failure is an impossibility.

Do the affirmations.

As long as you keep moving in a single direction, sooner or later, you’ll get there!

Good luck!

(To speed up your journey on the path to financial prosperity, please see affirmations for finances, money, wealth, and abundance.)


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