"Be the change you want to see in the world."
Affirmations for Self Love: Gandhi believed that for the world to become more loving, each individual person must become more loving.
Mahatma Gandhi
Lawyer, Activist

Affirmations for
Self Love

Beat Insecurity, Boost Self-Esteem!

  • I love myself!
  • I’m a very special person.
  • I’ve got all the potential in the world.
  • I love being me, flaws and all, and I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.
  • I’m a brilliant, beautiful person.
  • I learn from my mistakes and I love who I am.
  • I’ve got a good heart and a good mind.
  • I take pride in who I am.
  • I love my body. I love my personality.
  • I’m smart and strong. Its fun being me!

Affirmations for Self Love:

Loving Yourself isn’t a Vice!

affirmations for self love: loving yourself is the most important thing you can do!

It doesn’t mean you’re a narcissist or that you’re conceited. Having a high self esteem isn’t a sin. Its a quality!

You’d never guess that by what we’re taught growing up. “Be humble.” “Don’t get a big head.” “Don’t be conceited.”

There’s wisdom in being humble (to an extent), but so many of us take it too far! We take it to the point of hobbling ourselves emotionally, socially, and financially.

Once the world starts beating on us (as it inevitably does to everyone), being too humble often compounds the problem by making us think “maybe I deserve it.”

Low self esteem is far more detrimental to your life than “getting a big head.”

The world is suffering from too little self love, not too much!

affirmations for self love: loving yourself is NOT a vice!

That may be surprising in the age of never-ending selfies and social media addiction, but it’s true.

People spend hours curating their profiles not because they feel good about themselves, but because they want to cover up their insecurities. They’re obsessed with manipulating how others see them.

The more makeup a person wears, the more filters they apply, the more they dislike how they really. Blemishes, wrinkles, scars – it all must be covered up!

A flashy social media profile is makeup for our lives.

Affirmations for self love: when you love yourself, you don't need gallons of makeup. You don't need to hide what you really look like.

Affirmations for Self Love:

The world is becoming more fragile.

Have you noticed how easily offended people are these days?

Especially online, everyone seems desperate to call someone else a jerk (or a racist, or a bigot, or a homophobe). By doing so, they signal their own “virtue” by contrast.

“You’re a racist! (Therefore, I am not a racist Otherwise, I wouldn’t be calling you out on your racism.)”

Their self esteem is so low and so fragile, they constantly virtue signal in the hopes of receiving meaningless “likes” from strangers.

Misery begets misery.

The people who damaged your self esteem didn’t do it because they felt good about themselves. They did it because they hated themselves. They knocked you down, so they’d have someone they could feel superior to.

This doesn’t excuse their behavior, but it’s important for you to understand that they were suffering inside.

The last time you lashed out at someone irrationally, was it because you felt really good about yourself? Of course not.

You did it because you were hurt or angry. The target of your anger did something that threatened your self esteem.

The self esteem you had at that moment was so fragile, like a thin sheet of glass, that you had to retaliate at all costs.

We all do it.

Affirmations for Self Love: Without self love, a person becomes as fragile as a piece of glass, and just as dangerous.

If too little self esteem makes people act like horribly, what would more self esteem do?

Think of the times when you were really good to people: when you acted nobly, or when something bad happened that should have pissed you off, but it didn’t. You breezed right through it, unfazed.

How were you feeling that day?

I’m willing to bet your self esteem was flying high.

Self love enables you to feel secure in all situations and around all people. It enables you to heal from past wounds, to forgive your enemies, and to treat everyone in your life with empathy and respect.

Self love turns you into the person you want to be.

You can’t love others when you’re psychologically fractured. You can only do it when you feel strong – when you love yourself.

Affirmations for Self Love:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes a day, minimum. If your self esteem feels particularly low, do more! 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes.

The more time you spend thinking the right thoughts, the better your results will be, and the sooner those results will come.

After so many years of faulty thinking, negative thoughts about yourself have become habitual, even unconscious, like an automated program running the back of your mind.

Your brain is the most powerful computer in existence, but there is no delete button. You can’t just erase the old thoughts instantaneously by saying “From now on, I’ll go easier on myself.”

You’ve got to work to overwrite them! 

Daily repetition will make your new programming habitual. It will also push the old thoughts far off into the distance, where they can fade away and die.

How do you know the affirmations for self love are working?

affirmations for self love: happiness comes from self-esteem.

You’ll know they’re working when you stop thinking so much about all the people who hurt you; when you stop blaming them for everything wrong in your life right now.

The pain they caused will begin to fade away, and you’ll feel better. You might even start to sympathize with your enemies, understanding that they only hurt you because of their own lack of self worth.

You’ll start to treat yourself more kindly. Instead of torturing yourself over past mistakes, you’ll learn from them and look for ways to improve.

You’ll begin to love who you see in the mirror again, and life will get better.

Do the affirmations. Love yourself. It’s the most important thing you can ever do.

Good luck!

(A big part of self love is loving the way you look. Please see affirmations of beauty, and body positivity affirmations. You may also want to see my article, “Am I ugly or beautiful?“)

(Self love also means believing in yourself. Please see affirmations for success, confidence, and prosperity.)


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