"The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.'
Affirmations for Sleep: Wilson Mizner understood the importance of sleep.
Wilson Mizner
Playwright, Entrepreneur

Affirmations for Sleep

  • I feel calm and relaxed in bed.
  • All the stress I felt during the day has completely melted away.
  • Every muscle in my body is totally at ease.
  • I’m the kind of person who doesn’t worry about things I can’t change.
  • I worked hard today, so I deserve to sleep well.
  • I stop eating at least 2 hours before bedtime. That way I feel light as air.
  • My bed is made for sleeping. I refuse to use my phone anywhere it.
  • I lie down, and all my concerns just drift away.
  • I’m tired. I can feel my body falling into a deep, restful slumber.
  • I exercise everyday. Sound sleep is my reward.

Affirmations for Sleep:
Get Rid of Insomnia Forever!

Affirmations for Sleep

As someone who worked night shift for almost 10 years, I feel I’m qualified to talk about the importance of sleep and the horrific effects insomnia has on the body.

Insomnia is brutal. It diminishes your ability to learn effectively, and to think clearly. It robs you of the motivation to do anything except watch TV on your days off.

It can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression. It can make your hair fall out.

The body needs quality sleep! Here’s how to achieve it…

Affirmations for Sleep:

Where does insomnia come from?

It comes from mental stress and anxiety, and the inability to shut off your brain at the end of the day.

It also comes from bad physical habits like eating large meals just before bed, or staring at your phone right up until the moment you hope to fall asleep.

Affirmations for sleep can help you overcome these things by programming good habits into your mind, both in terms of how you mentally handle stress, and your concept of what a good pre-sleep routine is.

By changing your mind, you can improve the quality of your sleep and the amount of sleep you get each night. Being rested will improve your health in countless ways.

The Importance of Quality Sleep

Affirmations for Sleep

Your body needs to sleep in order to heal itself.

Whether you’re a professional wrestler or you work in an office, your body must repair itself constantly from the wear and tear of normal metabolism. Without rest, it starts to fall apart.

I’m not just talking about your muscles, either, but your circulatory system, your respiratory system, your brain, and your immune system.

If you don’t sleep, your immune system can’t function properly. You become exponentially more vulnerable to everything from colds, to diabetes, to cancer.

If you don’t sleep, your brain can’t repair the damage it incurs from free radicals. This makes problem solving, learning, and creative thinking impossible. 

It’s why you feel like a mindless zombie when you haven’t slept, and like a world conqueror when you have.

Affirmations for Sleep:

It’s not enough to lay in bed for 7 or 8 hours.

You’ve got to actually knock out! Even then, your body only heals during the deepest phases of sleep (there are several).

If you’re being disturbed by noise, ambient light, or the unconscious anxieties in your brain, you could theoretically “sleep” for 20 hours and still not feel rested.

These disturbances don’t have to wake you up completely to wreak havoc on your health. They just have to prevent you from going into the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. It doesn’t take much.

Why can’t we sleep, really?

I believe our bodies simply aren’t designed for modern living.

We wake up and go to sleep at different times, depending on what day it is. This ruins our circadian rhythms, making it impossible for our bodies to know when to release hormones like melatonin (the “sleep hormone”).

We spend most of our lives indoors, depriving our bodies of the sunlight it depended on for millions of years to know when it should be energized, and when it should knock out. You can look at your watch and see that it’s 10:00 PM. – time to go to bed – but without regular sun exposure, your pituitary gland has no idea.

And you suffer.

We mentally exhaust ourselves at work, but we don’t get the physical exercise required to effortlessly fall asleep at night.

Combine all of this with an economy and a culture imploding on itself, and it equates to stress. Some would say the stress is mild, but it’s constant, and constancy kills.

Throw a bucket of water on a rock and nothing happens. Drip just a tiny bit 24 hours a day, and the water eventually slices through that rock like moldy cheese.

Don’t be that moldy cheese!

Affirmations for Sleep:

We slept better in prehistoric times.

Cities have only existed for 6 thousand years. For the millions of years before that, we were hunter-gatherers!

We woke up at the same time every single morning – no circadian rhythm confusion. We hunted and fished. We gathered fruits and nuts in the forest. When it was all done, we went to sleep feeling exhausted, accomplished, and content.

We got plenty of exercise and sunlight in those days. Our brains weren’t full of annoying complications, like the fluctuating price of gas or the cost of health insurance. Life was simple.

Get the food. Eat the food. As long as you were doing that, you were winning.

And we slept like babies – no need for addictive pharmaceutical garbage.

Want to sleep better? Here are your options.

Option 1: Give up your worldly possessions and quietly move into the wilderness, away from the unnatural stresses of modern life. Hunt your meat, forage for berries, wear wild animal skins, and sleep like you’ve never slept before.

Option 2 (more realistic): Get control of your mind! 

Program it to accept the problems it can’t change, to let go of the past, and to stop worrying so much about the future. Train it to stop taking everything in life so seriously!

The affirmations on this page are designed to help you do that by reducing the importance you ascribe to certain things, most of which you have no control over anyway.

When you make things too important, they start to give you anxiety, and anxiety will screw up your sleep every time.

The affirmations also address a couple of few bad habits, like using your phone just before sleeping (the bright screen tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime). Eating a heavy meal before bedtime is another bad habit, as is not getting some form of exercise each day.

By reading these affirmations often, you can program yourself to think and behave exactly as is required for good, healthy, nurturing sleep – the kind that boosts your immune system and supercharges your brain for next day’s challenges.

Affirmations for Sleep:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, every single night prior to bed.

(You can watch the video, too, but try to watch it at least 30 minutes before bed, otherwise the bright screen of your phone might keep you up.)

Try to minimize distractions while doing your affirmations. Turn your cell phone’s ringer off.

If you read the PDF printout, set a countdown timer. That way you can concentrate on the affirmations, rather than wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes is your goal, but the longer you spend on your affirmations, the better.

Did you know?

The last thoughts in your head before you fall asleep resonate in your mind throughout the night. That’s why neuroscientists recommend studying just before bed.

Read these affirmations before sleeping, and your mind will be full of everything it needs to rest comfortably and soundly the whole night.

You know it’s working when you feel refreshed in the morning, when you think clearer, and when you have more motivation throughout the day.

Get your rest. You’ll live longer. Most importantly, you’ll be happier.

Good luck!

(For more on getting healthy, please see affirmations for health, healing, and losing weight.)

(To conquer your anxiety, please see affirmations for strength and confidence.)


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