"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."
Affirmations for Strength: Arnold Schwarzenegger's strength didn't come from winning, but from struggle.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Body Builder, Actor, Governator of California

Affirmations for Strength

Unbeatable Mental Attitude,

  • I’m an incredibly strong person!
  • I’ve got tons of strength, both mentally and physically!
  • I can endure any hardship.
  • Pain is only temporary!
  • I’m tougher than I’ve ever been before, and I just keep getting tougher!
  • I’m determined to achieve my goals, no matter what!
  • Painful experiences only make me stronger!
  • I refuse to get frustrated in life. Nothing phases me.
  • I can handle any situation.
  • I can solve any problem!

Affirmations for Strength:

The Need for Strength!

affirmations for strength affirmations for manifestation

Loved ones get sick and die. Economies collapse. Civilizations crumble.

Biological weapons, nuclear weapons, psychotic dictators abroad and at home. The world has no shortage of things to be afraid of, and that fear can be paralyzing.

We need strength to endure!

Trapped by Big Pharma

affirmations for strength

There’s an epidemic of Americans addicted to anti-anxiety drugs right now. Any attempt to wean them off can lead to horrible withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, insomnia, and seizures.

Many of these people feel like that have no choice but to keep taking these drugs, while Big Pharma keeps taking their money.

How did we get into this mess?

I believe it’s symptomatic of a bigger problem. Society is becoming weak. Our faith in medical technology is so great, that we’ve lost faith in ourselves.

Only a softened populace would believe such an exaggerated claim as the idea that psychological and emotional distress can be solved just by swallowing the right pill.

Illicit drugs and alcohol are no better. They might mask the pain, but their effects are transient at best, and they only come at extreme cost.

No matter what the commercials day, no matter what Big Pharma pays their shills in the media to say, there are no substitutes for mental strength.

There are no shortcuts to developing it. It has to be cultivated through suffering and perseverance, and by constantly telling yourself that you can win in life, no matter what!

The Only Real Strength is Mental Strength!

spiritual affirmations: near death experiences tell us what's important in life.

Arnold Schwarzeneggar didn’t win Mr. Olympia 7 times because he was physically strong. He won because he had the willpower to workout everyday. The physical strength and physique came later.

Whether your goal is to win a triathlon, to start a million dollar company, or to be the kind of person your family can lean on, mental strength always comes first.

You’re already stronger than you know.

affirmations for strength: get your MIND in shape first!

Human beings have a lot more strength than we think. Unfortunately, it takes a special set of circumstances for most of us to tap into it.

A classic example is the mom who lifts a car off the ground in order to free a pinned child. She doesn’t have time to doubt herself. Because her mind doesn’t get in the way, she’s able to tap into a strength she never knew was there.

It’s better to know than to not know.

Affirmations for strength won’t give you the adrenalin necessary to lift a car, but they will increase your confidence, improve your performance in all matters, and enable you to endure hardships that bring other people to their knees.

Affirmations for Strength:

The Importance of Belief

When you believe you’re strong, you effectively become stronger. Don’t believe me?

Have you ever seen a circus elephant tied by the ankle to a wooden post?

An adult, male elephant can weigh as much as 13,000 pounds. He has more than enough strength to break free from that tiny wooden post and go wherever he wants. Why doesn’t he do it?

The problem is that he doesn’t believe he can.

Circus elephants are initially tied to those posts as babies, and baby elephants aren’t strong enough to break free. They struggle, scratch, and fight until the rope causes painful abrasions, and they finally give up.

When they become adults, they still believe they’re too weak to break free, so they don’t even try. If the elephants just believed they could do it, they’d be able to! But they don’t. So they can’t.

Don’t be like that. Get in touch with your strength. Program yourself to know what you’ve got inside, to believe in it, and to test it whenever you can.

When life gets tough, it’s your inner strength that saves you!

Affirmations for strength: It's all in the mind.

Train Yourself to be Strong!

If you’re down on your luck, now is the time to mentally prepare yourself for a comeback. Read the affirmations on this page. Internalize them. They’ll enable you to bounce back stronger than ever.

If life is treating you well at the moment, don’t wait for it to apart! Fortify yourself now, before things go haywire. When hardship comes, and it always does, you’ll endure it with ease.

No matter where you are in life or what’s going on, you can always benefit from becoming stronger. Affirmations for Strength enable you to do that.

Affirmations for Strength:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes a day, everyday.

Go somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Silence your phone. Set a countdown timer so you can focus on the affirmations, instead of constantly wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes straight.

If you’re doing it right, the process will feel calming, like a meditation or a form of mild hypnosis. It feels good, which is another reason to do it every single day.

The Effect

In no time at all, you’ll start to feel stronger within yourself, both mentally and physically.

Your ability to endure hardship and tragedy will skyrocket. Your loved ones will come to see you as a person they can lean on for support.

You’ll feel more independent, and more willing to take risks that timid folk shy away from.

You’ll stop worrying so much about things you have no control over. Instead of worrying, you’ll trust in yourself to handle challenges as they come. As your anxiety lessens, your health improve, and you’ll live longer, more productive, happier life.

Do the Affirmations. Become strong for your family, for your closest friends, and for yourself.

Good luck!

(A key element of strength is self confidence. Please see affirmations for confidence.)


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