"I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me."
Humphrey Bogart

Affirmations on Relationships

  • I’m great at relationships! People love being with me.
  • I’m a selfless person. I’m as giving as I can be to my partner.
  • I’m a great listener! It’s my way of showing love.
  • I’m a great communicator. I enjoy expressing myself.
  • I trust my partner. I respect and admire them.
  • I love to boost my partner’s self esteem. I see their qualities, and I make sure they do, too!
  • I make my partner feel good about themself. I show my appreciation for them all the time.
  • I’m full of empathy. I see things from their perspective, and I try to understand.
  • If I ever have to criticize them, I sandwich it between two compliments!
  • I refuse to hold grudges. All couples fight, but we makeup quickly and happily!

Affirmations on Relationships:

4 Keys to a Blissful Love Life!

Affirmations on Relationships

It takes practice just like everything else.

Have you ever noticed, though, that some people tend to do really well in their love life, and others tend to struggle?

How is it that some marriages can be blissful for 20 years, while others resemble a never ending grind on the wheel of pain?

Affirmations on Relationships: Don't let your relationship turn into a never-ending shift pushing the wheel of pain.

Confucious, the great Chinese philosopher, once said: “It taketh skills to pay the bills.”

Okay, maybe he didn’t say that. But he should have.

In my opinion, aside from the obvious factors like chemistry and compatibility, a good relationship largely comes down to skills. It may sound strange to describe the state of being in a happy relationship as the result of ability, but it is.

The happiest couples I’ve ever met tend to have internalized habits, behaviors, and attitudes conducive to blissful relationships.

Where did they get their skills from?

Maybe they had happily married parents. Maybe they read a book on relationships. It doesn’t really matter.

All that matters is that you can improve your skills right now using affirmations! It’s not hard. It just takes a little bit of time.

If you’re a child of divorce, or you’ve been through heartbreaks that left you scarred, or you just never developed a knack for relationships, it’s okay! If you have a great relationship already but want to make it even better, that’s great, too!

Wherever you are on the scale of relationship mastery, there’s always room to improve, and it’s never too late. It’s simply a matter of internalizing the appropriate thoughts and behaviors via repetition.

By changing how you think, you change how you behave. Affirmations specifically designed for relationships enable you to do this.

Affirmations on Relationships: 4 Key Abilities

1. Selflessness

Affirmations on Relationships: 4 key elements

Are you a “giver” or a “taker?”

People tend to be one or the other. These categories aren’t absolute, of course, but we all tend to fall somewhere on that scale.

Everyone loves a giver. If you want to do well in relationships, it’s better to be a giver – even more so in the modern era because it’s such a rare commodity.

Modern society has programmed us to crave “me time” – to indulge ourselves in whatever we want. To not judge ourselves for thoughts and actions that in previous eras would have been considered selfish.

Our capitalistic society, dependent on a an ever growing economy, requires us to be selfish so that we keep buying non-essential widgets, gizmos, and doodads. That’s why billions of dollars are spent every year promoting slogans like “You deserve it,” “Indulge yourself,” and “You’re worth it.”

In the 1980’s, the slogan was literally “Greed is good!” Can you believe, that?

Me, me, me. We’ve become so focused on ourselves, that we’ve forgotten how to be givers.

A gift better than gold than gold or diamonds.

Being a giver doesn’t necessarily mean buying things for your partner, or physically doing them favors. 

But it does mean boosting their self esteem. Let them know how smart  or beautiful you think they are. Recognize their talents, and let them know how amazing they are to you.

The most loving thing you can ever do for a person is enable them to feel good about themselves. If you can learn to do that, your relationship will improve 100 fold. I guarantee it.

2. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to see things from your partner’s perspective.

Being able to do this is important for the sake of conflict resolution. All couples fight! Happy couples use empathy to resolve those fights as quickly as possible (and with minimal carnage).

It’s difficult to see things through your partners eyes, especially in the midst of an argument, but you’ve got to master this ability because it’s such a powerful tool!

Showing you understand your partner’s position during an argument validates them. It boosts their self esteem and lowers their defenses.

It makes it possible for them to hear your side of the problem, at which point the two of you can find a solution together.

The sooner you can resolve fights, the better. Empathy makes that possible. Don’t be like those knuckleheads for whom every dispute escalates to World War 3!

Affirmations on Relationships:

Affirmations on Relationships: You've got to learn how to communicate without hurting your partner's feelings.

"Happy wife, happy life. There's no need to grab the knife."

3. Communication

Lots of couples slowly become estranged due to lack of communication. 

Don’t let that happen. Be willing to communicate. This seems obvious, but lots of people hold things in until they explode (I’ve been guilty of this one!).

Never hold things in. Never hide your feelings. Silence isn’t golden. Whoever said that was probably an *sshole.

Always be willing to communicate, and welcome your partner’s efforts to communicate, too. That means listening without interrupting, and without glancing down at your smart phone. (Smart phones have become the bane of couples everywhere!)

Make your partner feel heard. 

Genuinely listening to them indicates that what they say matters to you. For most people, that’s an intoxicating feeling. It makes your partner addicted to you, and it strengthens your relationship.

Affirmations on Relationships:

The Compliment Sandwich

Being able to communicate well means being able to say things in an inoffensive way – in a way that doesn’t make the other person feel like they’re being judged too harshly.

Try this. The next time you have to criticize your partner (and there are definitely legitimate times when that’s necessary), compliment them first. Finish with a compliment, too.

They don’t have to be a big compliments. They probably shouldn’t be. But they’ve got to be sincere, otherwise you’ll set off their BS detector.

If the soup they made is too spicy, say “I love all the meat and vegetables you threw in there. Delicious! It’s a little spicy for me, but dang, this soup is really good!”

Compliment, critique, compliment. Got the idea? That’s how you avoid getting hit over the head with a frying pan.

Giving more compliments in general is how you build a strong, loving relationship. Always look for reasons to boost your partner’s self esteem!

4. Trust

Affirmations on Relationships: Program Your Mind to be GOOD at Relationships

You’ve got to trust your partner. If you don’t, ask yourself whether or not you have a good reason to suspicious (other than past experiences with former lovers).

Has your current partner ever betrayed you? If so, work on healing yourself and then forgiving.

If they haven’t, then you might be suffering from low self esteem. Affirmations for self love will help, as well as affirmations for confidence and anything else that boosts your self image. 

When you love yourself, you expect others to love you, too, and to stay with you. You trust people easier, including your partner, because you don’t feel so vulnerable.

Your partner doesn’t want to feel like they’re under suspicion. Nobody does, especially if they’ve done nothing wrong. If it goes on too long, they’ll leave.

By trusting your partner, you show them that you don’t think they’re a scumbag. You demonstrate that you see them as a good, loyal partner, worthy of respect and admiration. People tend to live up to the expectations you set for them.

Affirmations on Relationships:

Internalize What You Need!

It’s not enough to know what makes people good at relationships. You’ve got to take these characteristics and internalize them on a deep level, so that they become your default behaviors.

The affirmations on this page are designed to do that for you. They encompass the most important characteristics you need to have an amazing relationship.

By reading them over and over, you put your brain in the habit of thinking that way, paving the way for improved relationships while over-writing bad habits.

The Method

Read affirmations on relationships every day, for 5 minutes straight. (Or watch the video).

Do it in a place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Silence your phone.

Set a countdown timer so you can the affirmations, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes.

That’s the minimum, but the more time you spend re-programming yourself, the better your results are going to be, and the sooner you’ll see them.

It’s all about habits, and habits always begin in the mind. Read affirmations on relationships often, and you’ll develop all the habits necessary to create an amazing, loving relationship free of strife.

Good luck!

(The better you are at forgiving, the faster you can heal from the arguments all couples have. Please see affirmations for forgiveness.)

(Optimists are intoxicating to be with, because their joy is contagious. To become more optimistic, please click here.)

(If you’re currently single and you want to find a relationship, please see affirmations for attracting love.)


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