“You are beautiful because of the light you carry inside you. You are beautiful because you say you are, and you hold yourself that way.”
Am I ugly or pretty? You decide what you are. No one else can decide for you. Work on enhancing your inner light, just as Mary Lambert says.
Mary Lambert

Affirmations to Feel Pretty

  • I love my body, and I take amazing care of it!
  • I love my face. My nose and lips are beautiful!
  • I look good, and I know I look good.
  • I love every part of my body, from my head to my toes.
  • I’ve always been pretty, but now I feel it!
  • I love my arms and legs. I love my hair!
  • I’m beautiful. My breasts are perfect just as they are.
  • My butt is gorgeous!
  • There’s no one in the world who looks exactly like me.
  • I love how I look! I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Am I Ugly or Pretty?

The secret to feeling beautiful forever!

Am I ugly or pretty? If you're asking that question, then the problem is NOT your looks!

Does it matter what I tell you?

I can’t see you, and even if I could, you wouldn’t believe me unless what I said was negative.

Why is that?

Why are we so quick to believe people who say we’re ugly? (The pain it brings is evidence that we believe it.)

Why are we so quick to dismiss anyone who compliments our looks? 

(It might elevate our mood slightly, but our emotional response to being complimented pales in comparison to the avalanche of pain we feel when we’re called “ugly.”)

The answer, of course, is low self esteem.

I’ll teach you how how to destroy it forever.

Am I Ugly or Pretty:

A little insecurity can be useful.

It’s what makes you want to do your hair every morning, and put on makeup. It makes you want to dress nicely and wear cute shoes. It makes you want to shower, and put on deodorant!

Insecurity gives you the drive to become more beautiful. A little bit is good for you.

It’s just sad that so few women, at least from what I’ve seen, actually feel beautiful. They might be gorgeous. Everyone might tell them that they’re gorgeous. 

But they just can’t see it.

Am I Ugly or Pretty:

Everyone has insecurities.

am I ugly or pretty?

We have parts of our body we hate. Our feet. Our toes. Our ears. I once knew a girl who hated her knees!

If you’re a woman, you might feel insecure about your legs, your breast size, or your butt. 

Keep letting those insecurities grow, and at best you’ll never be as happy as you could be. At worst, you might find yourself on the plastic surgery train to “Catwoman” Town.

Origins of the Problem

We get teased. We get called ugly. We get ignored.

We don’t always have a companion in adulthood to counteract these painful memories by complimenting our looks.

The media bombards us with photoshopped, filtered images impossible to compete with, and our self esteem suffers.

But you know what? Even if the whole world called you pretty, you still wouldn’t feel it.

Famous actresses, already admired by the whole world for their beauty, pay plastic surgeons to alter their noses and lips, sometimes to the point of being unrecognizable to their fans.

“I’m just doing it because I want to feel more confident.”

Really? If 50 million people literally ranting and raving about how pretty you are isn’t enough to make you feel pretty, chiseling a piece of your nose off won’t do it, either.

Models with seemingly perfect bodies (and millions of adoring male fans drooling over them) insist on getting breast implants, cheek implants, and chin implants. They inject filler into their butts.

And they’re still in their 20’s.

They do everything they can to feel beautiful, except the one thing that might actually work: fixing their self esteem. Training themselves to love themselves.

How do you do that? Is it really possible to train yourself to feel pretty?

Am I Ugly or Pretty?

Don’t trust the mirror!

Am I ugly or pretty? Don't trust the mirror! The mind distorts everything!

You can’t trust it, because the image you see in your head doesn’t actually come from the mirror. It comes from your brain, and your brain makes mistakes all the time. 

Let me explain.

When you look in the mirror, what’s really happening?

Light from your body bounces off the mirror, and back into your eyes. Your retinas translate the light into electrical signals, which your brain will eventually process into an image.

Processing takes about 1/10th of a second, and it’s not without error.

There is so much information from the environment to process, that your brain has no choice but to take shortcuts in producing the image you see. It does this by making assumptions and filling in gaps, based on what it thinks it already knows.

These assumptions can be wrong, sometimes very wrong. When they’re very wrong, we call them “optical illusions.”

A line is drawn perfectly straight, but because all of the surrounding lines are curved, your brain takes the straight line and curves it.

We all do it.

There are body builders who look in the mirror and see themselves as skinny. They’re not pretending to see themselves as skinny. They actually see it!

Anorexic women look in the mirror and see themselves as fat. They don’t pretend to see a fat body. They actually see it! 

And they starve themselves to death trying to change it.

Of course, they can’t change what they see in the mirror by altering their body, because the image isn’t coming from physical reality. It’s produced in the brain, and the brain makes mistakes all the time.

Am I Ugly or Pretty?

We don’t see ourselves as we are. We see ourselves as we believe we are.

If we believe we’re ugly, then all the dieting and plastic surgery in the world won’t help. And all the admiration from millions of adoring sycophants won’t help either, as so many young actresses have proven.

The problem isn’t the body. It’s the mind!

If you’re asking yourself “am I ugly or pretty,” then you’ve got an issue with your mind.

Don’t worry. It can be fixed, and the way to fix it is a hell of a lot cheaper (and less painful) than getting surgery.

It's easier than you think.

What if I told you that by training your mind for just 5 minutes a day, you could drastically alter how you see yourself? 

You could actually feel pretty. You could look in the mirror and see how beautiful you are.

You could have the self esteem and confidence that millionaire plastic surgeons always promise, but never deliver.

What if I told you the method for doing this is absolutely free, and that you can start feeling better about yourself almost immediately?

Am I Ugly or Pretty?

Affirmations WILL Improve Your Self Esteem.

affirmation of beauty

You don’t need anyone to tell you you’re pretty. Decide for yourself that you are!

Do your hair, put on makeup, workout. Do whatever you want to do to enhance your beauty, but you’ll never feel it unless you decide for yourself that you’re beautiful!

No one can give that to you. Not your boyfriend, or your parents, or a plastic surgeon. You have to take it, and make it yours!

You can’t fix your car’s engine by repainting the bumper. You have to fix the engine.

You can’t fix a mental issue (your self esteem) by changing something about your body. You’ve got to fix your mind.

If you don’t feel pretty, it’s a mental issue; not physical. Affirmations enable you to fix your mentality quickly, easily, and permanently!

The more you repeat any thought, the more it becomes a habit to repeat it. Tell yourself that you’re beautiful often enough, and you’ll start to believe it. 

Once that happens, you’ll actually become more beautiful, because confidence is sexy! Self esteem is sexy!

Positive affirmations have worked for professional athletes, concert violinists, acrobats, and fighter pilots. They’ve worked for brain surgeons, tight rope walkers, and martial artists.

They’ll work for you.

Am I Ugly or Pretty?

The Method

Read the affirmations at the top of this page every single day. 

Print out the PDF sheet, and put it in a binder. Read it while lying down somewhere comfortable and quiet. (You can also watch the video above.)

Silence your phone. Eliminate all distractions.

If you’re reading from the PDF, then use a countdown timer. That way, you can focus purely on the affirmations instead of frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

If you’re serious about fixing your self esteem – if you’re serious about actually knowing how beautiful you are – then this is the most important 5 minutes of your day!

Keep reading the affirmations over and over until it feels almost like meditation. That’s a sign your brain is falling into a receptive state, and the affirmations are reaching your subconscious mind, where they can be internalized.

Am I Ugly or Pretty:

How do You Know It’s Working?

You know the affirmations are working when you feel less insecure about your looks.

You’ll walk and talk with more confidence. You’ll have more energy because you’ll feel better about yourself.

You’ll appreciate your body a lot more, instead of criticizing it. In appreciating it more, you’ll want to take care of it any way you can. You’ll start to eat healthier, and exercise more.

You won’t compare your looks to anyone else’s. Instead, you’ll fall in love with the uniqueness of your own body and face, and you’ll feel more attractive. You’ll start to give off a positive vibe that most people find intoxicating.

Always remember that there’s only one of you in the whole world. You’re rare, and rare is beautiful.

Do the affirmations. Program yourself to feel pretty.

Good luck!

(For more on how to feel beautiful, please see affirmation of beauty, body positivity affirmations, and “Am I ugly, or beautiful?)

(If you’re hoping to find a new relationship soon, please affirmations for attracting love.)


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