“You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
Body Positivity Affirmations: Louise Hay suggests loving your body. Hating it hasn't worked, has it?
Louise Hay
Self Help Author

Body Positivity Affirmations

  • I love my body because it’s mine!
  • I love my nose, my ears, and my lips. My face is gorgeous!
  • My breasts perfect exactly as they are.
  • My body is one of a kind. I wouldn’t change it for the world!
  • Scars and stretch marks are signs that my body been on a journey. I’m proud of that journey!
  • I love everything about my body, even the “imperfections.”
  • My legs and thighs are amazing. My butt is exactly the size it should be!
  • I exercise all the time, and I eat healthy foods. I love taking care of my body!
  • My body is an incredible machine.
  • I love tuning up my body with fruits, vegetables, and lots of exercise!

Body Positivity Affirmations:
Get Rid of Low Self-Esteem Forever!

Am I ugly or beautiful? Body positivity affirmations will program you to love your own body.

Many years ago, I saw a show on MTV featuring 2 beautiful, teenage girls. They were visiting a plastic surgeon’s office in Beverly Hills.

The 17 year old wanted to get her breasts enlarged. The 16 year old was there just to provide moral support for her friend.

Apparently, the doctor wasn’t not satisfied with one beautiful girl to surgically alter in exchange for a giant pile of money. He immediately began digging into the friend, pointing out all her “problem areas,” stabbing at the insecurities everybody knows teenage girls suffer from.

Her nose. Her chin. Her breasts. He claimed he could fix them all, thus endowing her with the beauty and self confidence she had always wanted.

It was sickening. Like her friend, this girl was already perfectly beautiful! But she sure as hell didn’t feel that way.

Not after talking to this scumbag.

Body Positivity Affirmations:

The benefits of loving your body.

Am I ugly or beautiful? Body positivity affirmations will help with insecurity a LOT more than a trip to the plastic surgeons office.

Self esteem is the most important quality you can ever cultivate, and loving your body is a huge part of that.

Self esteem makes you less vulnerable to predators, abusers, and manipulators. It gives you the courage to chase your dreams. It makes you stronger!

If either of the aforementioned girls had better self esteems, they wouldn’t have been in that office. They wouldn’t have gone under the knife.

But they were teens and they didn’t know any better.

One of the greatest champion boxers who ever lived was asked where his defensive ability came from. He said that when he was a kid, an old-timer at the gym instructed him to stare at himself in the mirror.

“You’ve got to fall in love with your own face. See how perfect your body is. If you love your body and face, you’ll want to protect it more. It will make you a better fighter.”

I wish we were all taught this as kids.

Body Positivity Affirmations:

A Dangerous Mistake

Body Positivity Affirmations: Love your body. If you love it, you'll take care of it!

Some people make the mistake of thinking that “body positivity” means allowing yourself to become morbidly obese. This notion is ridiculous, and the consequences are tragic.

I get it, though. 

People – women especially – have been under so much pressure to look a certain way that, like a rubber-band released from extreme tension, they’re lashing back in the opposite direction!

The intention is good, but like most reactionary movements, they’re snapping back a little too far. Balance is needed. A healthy middle ground must be sought.

There’s nothing good about being morbidly obese. It makes you more prone to heart disease and diabetes. You get winded faster, so it’s harder to enjoy simple physical activities like hiking or riding a bike.

Obesity weakens your immune system. It makes you more vulnerable to depression, insomnia, sleep apnea, and even the flu!

It shortens your lifespan.

What does "balance" look like?

Love your body. Honor your body. It’s the only one you have.

Honoring your body means taking care of it

If you’ve got a beautiful sports car that you love, you don’t let it fall into disrepair. You maintain it constantly, lovingly, in order to get the most out of it.

If it gets rusty, you give it oil. If things begin to fall apart, you make repairs and tune it up! You get it in the best possible condition you can, because that’s how much you love it.

Your body is the same. It’s just a machine, but it’s a wondrous machine – a one of a kind – and it deserves maintenance.

Body positivity affirmations are a way of maintaining your mind.


After having reading hundreds of near death experiences online and in books, it is my belief that the body is only a temporary vehicle for our consciousness. Every one of us will have to discard it eventually, like an old, tattered piece of clothing. And that’s okay.

It doesn’t mean we should treat it like garbage already.

If you’re alive and breathing, then your body most likely has a tremendous amount of potential left in it. It’s service life isn’t complete yet.

Get the most out of it!

Exercise. Eat organic fruits and vegetables. Take your vitamins. Get the right amount of protein. Sleep every night, and wake up at the same time every morning.

If you’re overweight, start working out. You don’t have to train like an Olympic athlete. Just jog in place for 5 minutes at home. If that works out okay, then do another 5.

The health benefits accumulate over time, but you’ve got to be consistent. Consistency doesn’t come from new years resolutions. It doesn’t come from an occasional promise to yourself to do better.

It requires a permanent change in mindset. It comes from loving your body!

Affirmations make this possible.

Body Positivity Affirmations:

Why do affirmations work?

Positive Affirmations

If you think anything often enough, it becomes a habit to think it. Your habits of thought determine your actions. Your actions determine the course of your entire life.

Right now, your only goal should be to learn to love your body. To boost your self esteem!

Everything else: confidence, getting in shape, feeling attractive – all of it will come naturally as a result.

Whatever your weight is right now, whether you think you’re too skinny or too heavy, program yourself to love your body! If you’re injured, or sick, or you think you’re past your prime, it doesn’t matter!

My first car was an old, beat up hand-me-down. It was always falling apart on me. I could barely afford to keep it running.

But it was mine! It was my very first car, and I loved it! I still love it, and I wish I could get it back.

Your body doesn’t have to be perfect for you to love it. It’s yours! It’s the first one you ever had. It’s the only one you’ll ever have.

You’re body has been with you since the beginning. Why wouldn’t you love it?!

But you can’t just tell yourself “I’m going to love my body from now on” once, and think it’s going to stick. To truly alter your perceptions of the world, to alter your perceptions of yourself, you’ve got to repeat the thought over and over until it penetrates your subconscious, and becomes a part of you.

Here’s how you do it.

Body Positivity Affirmations:

The Method

Read the affirmations at the top of this page over and over, for 5 minutes straight. Do it every single day.

Print out the PDF and put it in a binder. Read it while lying in a comfortable position, away from the distraction of people or pets. (You should also watch the video found near the top of this page).

Silence your phone.

Set a countdown timer. That way you’ll be able to concentrate solely on what you’re reading, instead of frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

You know you’re doing it right when it begins to feel meditative and relaxing. That’s the feeling of your active mind shutting down, and your subconscious absorbing the new instructions for how to think and feel.

Remember: 5 minutes!

If you’re serious about learning to love your body, then these are the most important minutes of your day.

How do you know when the body positivity affirmations are working?

You know the affirmations are working when you feel less insecure about your body.

You’ll stop admiring other people’s bodies so much, and begin to focus on improving your own with nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest.

You’ll start to feel more confident in general. You’ll feel optimistic that, little by little, your body is becoming stronger, healthier, and more beautiful.

It already is beautiful, simply by virtue of it being unique.

Your body is one of a kind. It’s yours, and only yours.

Do the affirmations. Love yourself.

Good luck!

(For more on how to feel beautiful, please see affirmation of beauty, as well as “am I ugly or beautiful?“)


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