“Breakups can be sad, but sometimes tears are the price we pay for a freedom we need.”
How to Get Over Long Term Relationship: Steve Maraboli says to recognize the sadness as a the price of finding something new and better.
Steve Maraboli

Affirmations to Get Over Long Term Relationship

  • I’m happy to move on with my life.
  • I’m a strong and independent person! I enjoy being single.
  • Sadness always gives way to happiness. It just takes time!
  • I’ll fall in love again in the future, but next time with someone better!
  • I’m letting go of my ex, and I want my ex to let go of me, too.
  • I’m happy we broke up. It’s the best thing for both of us.
  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • I learned a lot from this relationship, but I’m glad it’s over.
  • I’m happy to be single and free!
  • I look forward to meeting someone new to fall in love with.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

Do this to finally heal!

How to get over long term relationship

The longer you’re with someone, the more attached you become to them. It’s inevitable, and it’s true whether that person was good to you, or totally abusive.

Just because a person was bad for you, maybe even toxic, doesn’t change the fact that you can still be powerfully attached to them long after the breakup.

This shouldn’t be too surprising. People get attached to things that are bad for them all the time.

Prostitutes get psychologically attached to their pimps. Prisoners get attached to prison life (and go back to jail on purpose, just so they can feel comfortable again).

People get psychologically addicted to food, entertainment, gambling, and drugs. Anything.

For whatever reason, you and your ex were bad for each other, so you broke up. That was a logical decision, and most likely a good one.

But your heart doesn’t operate on logic. It operates on emotion, and emotion is slow to change.

When your brain makes the decision to separate, even if separating is the best decision of your life, your heart will alway needs time to catch up.

Give it time, and it will.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

Buddha said that the source of ALL suffering was attachment.

Was he right? 400 million people around the world would say yes, and I tend to agree.

The more we have, the more we have to lose. The more attached we are to anything, the more difficult it is to give it up. That includes relationships.

Attachment can lead to insanity.

How to get over long term relationship

Millionaire Wall Street tycoons jump out off of buildings when the stock markets crash. Why? Because they’re down to their last hundred thousand?

Even if they lost all of their investments, they’d still be objectively wealthy compared to most people on earth. They’d still be wealthier than most monarchs whoever lived.

Genghis Khan conquered the world, but he didn’t have central AC, a car, or a cell phone!

Attachment can be a weakness...

Those Wall Street types are attached to their money. They can’t tolerate the feeling of losing it.

You’re attached to your ex. You think you can’t tolerate the feeling of losing them.

But you can tolerate it, and you must. Remember, time heals all wounds. That’s such a cliché, but give yourself enough time, and you WILL feel better.

Commit yourself to enduring the pain. It’ll fade, I promise.

That being said, there are some things you can do right now to ensure that you don’t wallow in sadness any longer than is absolutely necessary.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

Recognize that excessive attachment is your enemy.

how to get over with your ex: allow yourself to feel everything you need to feel. Don't cover it up, or you won't heal.

The breakup you’re going through is excruciatingly painful, but it’s also an opportunity to gain experience in the art of letting go. That’s an important life skill to have.

No one can teach you how to let go. It has to happen in its own time.

The ability comes from the pain of being overly attached, and then losing the person you’re attached to. It come from the knowledge that excessive personal attachment leads to heart break.

Pain is life’s greatest teacher.

The agony you’re feeling right now is training you to let go.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

You can still fall in love in the future.

 You can still be loyal to your next partner, enjoy being with them, and create a beautiful life with them.

But you should always be prepared to lose them, not just to breakups and divorce, but to anything: disease, accidents, natural disasters. 

Train yourself to let go. It’s highly unlikely for two people to die at the same time. Someone always gets left behind.

The better prepared you are to let go, the stronger you are. Strength is always a good thing.

It’s a small consolation, but once you’ve healed, you’ll become more resilient to future heart breaks. Your heart will still break in the future – that’s it’s inevitable. But you’ll recover faster simply for having been there before.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

Strength means being able to let go.

You’re in the middle of a breakup right now. This is your chance to practice letting go.

You know your ex was bad for you. If not, then the two of you wouldn’t have broken up in the first place.

Keep reminding yourself of this fact. The two of you were a bad match, for whatever reason. Staying together would have made you miserable.

Let them go.

Give up the idea that they belong to you, or that you belong to them. Stop telling yourself that you’d be happier with them than without. You wouldn’t be!

The two of you broke up for a reason.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

Stop Torturing Yourself.

Get off social media. You can’t move on with your life if you’re constantly bombarded with curated photos of your ex.

You can’t forget about them when the opportunity to “cyber-stalk” their profile is always there.

Block their phone number, too. That way, whenever your phone rings for an incoming call or text alert, you won’t wonder if it’s them trying to reach out to you.

In fact, you should consider deleting their phone number, altogether. That way, you won’t be tempted to contact them in a moment of weakness.

Maybe your ex wasn’t going to call or text you anyway. Maybe you weren’t going to call or text them.

But by eliminating both possibilities, you empower your mind to stop thinking about them. The longer you can go without thinking of your ex, the sooner you will recover, and the better you’re going to feel.

Once you’ve done these things, you need to program yourself to let go. Affirmations enable you to do that.

How to Get Over Long Term Relationship:

The Method:

Read these affirmations to yourself for 5 minutes straight, every single day.

You can print the PDF sheet and read it while lying on the couch, or you can watch the video. 

Silence your phone when you’re working on your affirmations. Read them in a place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. 

If you’re reading the pdf sheet, set a countdown timer so you can focus on the affirmations, instead of constantly wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 Minutes is the minimum, but the more time you devote to this exercise, the better.

Pretty soon, these affirmations will be etched into your mind. They’ll replace all the sad, regretful thoughts that always come with a bad break up. 

You’ll eventually snap back to your old self, wiser for having suffered through it, and hopeful for the future.

I know you’re in a lot of pain right now. Letting go of your ex is one of the worst feelings in the world.

Give yourself time. The pain will fade away.

Eventually, you’ll become excited about the possibility of finding a new partner – someone who’s a better match for you, and who you can truly be happy with.

Do the affirmations. Hang in there!

Good luck.

(A lot goes through a your head when dealing with a tough breakup… Please see affirmations for forgiveness, self love, and strength.)

(For more tips on how to get through it, see affirmations to get over your ex.)


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