"It is a matter of shame that in the morning, the birds should be awake earlier than you."
Abu Bakr

Positive Affirmations
for the Morning

  • I’m an energetic person!
  • I stay productive all day, everyday.
  • I love being alive!
  • I feel great mentally and physically.
  • Everyday is another chance for me to improve.
  • I’m never bored. Everything in life fascinates me!
  • I see the good in all situations.
  • I’ve got a great life, and I love being me.
  • I’ve got tons of energy!
  • I stay focused on accomplishing my goals.

Positive Affirmations for the Morning:

How to Start
the Day RIGHT!

Fun Fact:

The first chord in any song dictates how the rest of it will sound.

If the first chord sounds sad, the rest of the music will be sad. If the first chord sounds happy, the rest of the music will be happy.

Your mind works the same way! 

The first thoughts you have after waking up often dictate how the rest of your day will go. Be careful what you think of so early!

How do you start your day?

Do you check the news? 

The news is 99% hyper-polarized, fear-porn. Start with that, and you’re bound to feel horrible for the rest of the day.

Do you check your social media? 

Every scientific study ever conducted on it shows that social media just produces loneliness, insecurity, and depression; not exactly what you need for a happy, productive day.

Most people don’t think about what they’re thinking.

Positive Affirmations

They get up and they go to work; let the chips fall where they may. 

If something good happens, it puts them in a good mood. If something bad happens, it puts them in a bad mood. Whatever happens, happens.

They don’t actively participate in the direction of their mind, so they’re always at the mercy of life’s randomness. 

Don’t be like that!

Positive Affirmations for the Morning:

Start the day right!

When you wake up, your mind is a blank slate. 

You’re not in a good mood. You’re not in a bad mood. Yesterday is forgotten. Today, nothing’s happened yet.

This is a tremendous opportunity for you to take the helm!

By doing positive affirmations in the morning, you take control of your mind right from the start, directing it to think and feel as you want it to! You ensure that your brain is primed to feel good, to get stuff done, and to better endure the challenges ahead.

Reading affirmations in the morning is a way of commanding your mind to function at it’s highest level.

You can use the ones on this page to energize yourself and get focused, or you can read affirmations for health, making money, boosting self-esteem, or losing weight

It all depends on what you want to do!

Positive Affirmations for the Morning:

Professional athletes do it all the time!

positive affirmations for the morning: pro athletes get PSYCHED! You should, too.

They stare at themselves in the mirror before games and repeat their affirmations over and over. They affirm how great they are at running, catching, throwing, and whatever else they need to do.

It’s not about vanity! 

It’s about programming their minds to perform better, both in training and in competition, so they can get the most out of themselves. 

If affirmations work to help athletes perform incredible feats of strength and agility under excruciating pressure, how much more could they help you with your job? Or your relationship?

How much could they help you to be a happier?

The answer is A LOT.

Positive Affirmations for the Morning: Make your mornings beautiful, and the rest of your day will follow suit.

Make it a part of your routine.

You wake up and brush your teeth.

You shower, get dressed, drink coffee, and eat breakfast. It’s all so reflexive that it gets done every single day. You almost can’t help it.

If you want affirmations to work for you, make them a part of your normal morning routine! The more you read them, the more it becomes a habit to read them. 

Frequency and consistency are the two crucial ingredients that guarantee your success in anything. This is especially true with affirmations.

Positive Affirmations for the morning:

The Method

Print these affirmations. Read them as soon after waking up as possible. (You can also watch the video.)

Do it for 5 minutes straight. Set a timer so that you’re free to concentrate on the affirmations, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

If you’re reading them in bed, DON’T fall back asleep!

Refuse to be distracted by people or pets. 

Silence your phone. Concentrate!

Your first waking thoughts will affect the entire the rest your day. If you want it to be full of positivity, productivity, and happiness, then do your best to make the first 5 minutes good!

How do you know when the affirmations are working?

You’re going to feel better after reading affirmations in the morning.

You’ll have more energy. Your attitude will be more positive. You’ll be more productive and less anxious.

Because of all that, you’ll be more pleasant to be around, so your relationships will improve.

Typical daily frustrations like traffic, bills, or work related difficulties will roll off your shoulders like water droplets off a dolphin’s butt.

Positive Affirmations for the Morning: Dolphins always seem happy, don't they?

You wouldn’t lift weights or run a marathon without warming up first, would you? 

Just the same, life gets so much easier when you prime yourself for success each morning.

Do the affirmations. Get the most out of your day.

Good luck!

(For extra motivation to achieve your goals, please read affirmations for success.)


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