"Each chakra has its own form, its own music, its own taste, its own smell. The deeper you move inside yourself, the more you find the whole world, because if it is not within you, you cannot see it without either."
Root chakra affirmations can balance your root chakra, which is important according to Osho.
Indian Mystic

Root Chakra Affirmations

  • My root chakra is open, active, and balanced!
  • I feel one with the earth, trees, and entire physical universe.
  • I can feel energy flowing into my root chakra!
  • The universe provides me with everything I need.
  • I feel safe and grounded.
  • Wherever I am, I feel at home.
  • I release all fear, and I trust in the good of the world.
  • My root chakra feels warm and tingly.
  • I can feel my root chakra becoming energized!
  • I feel strong, steady, and grounded.

What is the Root Chakra?

Root Chakra Affirmations: There are many ways to open your root chakra.

You have 7 chakras, or energy centers, throughout your body. Your root chakra is the lowest one, located at the base of your spine.

The ancient Sanskrit word for root chakra is “muladhara” (mula = root, adhara = base). 

Because all other chakras reside on top of it, your root chakra is extremely important to your overall well-being.

What does your Root Chakra do?

It connects you to the material world around you. It brings you in touch with the earth and keeps you grounded. It enables you to feel safe and secure. It keeps your body healthy and in harmony with the rest of the physical universe.

Some believe it can link you to your ancestral memories.

What happens when your root chakra is out of balance?

When your root chakra goes out of balance or becomes “blocked,” it creates negative effects both mentally and physically.

Mentally, you may experience depression, anxiety, and lack of focus. You might feel lethargic no matter how much rest you get. Your self-esteem might feel low, and you don’t know why.

No matter what you do, you just don’t feel balanced in your life. You don’t feel secure.

Physically, you may experience eating disorders leading to either weight gain or weight loss. You might suffer from incontinence, colon and bladder issues, and lower back pain.

If you’re suffering from any of these physical ailments, by all means, call a doctor. But also consider the possibility that your root chakra may not be functioning well, and that relief might be obtained by unblocking it.

Root chakra affirmations:

What are the benefits of balancing your root chakra?

Affirmations for Root Chakra: Activate it via deliberate effort.

When your root chakra is balanced, you feel more confident within yourself. Your self-esteem improves.

You feel grounded in reality, which makes you feel safe. Anxiety dissipates, and your concentration improves.

Problems with digestion, or with your lower back, will suddenly go away. You’ll feel healthy again, which will make you more physically active.

You’ll enjoy being in nature. You’ll feel inclined to get outside in the sunshine, and walk on the grass with your bare feet.

The unconscious fear we all have of the physical world will begin to fade away, as you’ll feel at home wherever you are.

In addition to all of these benefits, the activity of your six other chakras will improve because they’ll finally have a strong base from which to operate.

Root chakra affirmations:

How to balance your root chakra?

There are multiple ways to balance your root chakra.

Meditation and exercise are said to work. There are specific yoga poses you can try which are designed to unblock the root chakra.

Some people believe in keeping particular stones on their person in the form of bracelets or necklaces. Specifically, red jasper, black tourmaline, and black obsidian are said to work wonders.

Personally, I believe the best way to improve the functioning of your root chakra, or ANY chakra, is to engage the most powerful tool in your arsenal: your mind!

Can affirmations help activate your root chakra?

Root Chakra Affirmations

Affirmations can help you activate ANY chakra, not just your root chakra.

The power of the mind to alter our physical beings is incredible.

People heal themselves just by believing they will heal. This has been proven millions of times by the placebo effect measured in clinical drug trials.

There are Tibetan monks who can increase their body temperature by as much as 17 degrees just by meditating!

People who can slow their heart rate to dangerous levels just be thinking about it.

If your mind can change the activity of your physical body, how much more easily can it affect the less solid aspects of your being, like your chakras? 

Think enough about your energy center opening, and it will open! 

That’s what root chakra affirmations are all about.

Root chakra affirmations:

The Method

Read these affirmations for 5 minutes straight, every single day.

You can print the PDF and read it while laying somewhere comfortable and free from distraction, or you can watch the video. Both methods have their benefits. For the best, quickest results, I suggest you use both.

When you read the PDF, use a countdown timer. That way, you can focus solely on the affirmations instead of frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

In both cases, try to feel your root chakra tingling; activating. Forget about everything else going on in your life, and just think of your root chakra.

Pretty soon, you’ll feel a lot better!

You’ll feel more connected to nature and to the people around you. You’ll feel more safe, less anxious, and more confident that the universe is a good place for you be.

Your other chakras will become more balanced by virtue of having a solid base, and when that happens, your whole life will improve!

Do the affirmations.

Get your energy centers in balance, starting with the base: your root chakra.

Good luck!

(Don’t forget, you’ve got 6 other chakras to work on. Once you’ve got your root chakra under control, I suggest focusing on your sacral chakra and throat chakra.)

(For improve your health, please see affirmations for health and healing.)


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