“You can’t let someone else lower your self-esteem, because that’s what it is -self-esteem.”
Signs of low self esteem in a woman: There are many signs, but only you have the power to fix it. Winnie Harlow points out the fact that there's a reason it's called SELF-esteem.
Winnie Harlow

What are the Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman?

meaning of low self esteem: its an ongoing battle, but positive affirmations can fix it! signs of low self esteem in a woman

It seems like a small problem, but it’s not.

You think it’s invisible, but everyone can see it. You can’t hide it. You can’t seem to get rid of it.

Low self esteem is one of the worst things a woman can suffer from. It affects every aspect of her life, from her health to her finances.

It makes a woman more prone to depression, which can lead to over eating, not sleeping, and a lack of motivation to do anything besides lay in bed and watch Netflix.

It increases a woman’s anxiety, making her afraid to pursue lofty goals in regards to both career and family.

It can make a woman stay in a relationship with a physically and psychologically abusive partner.

It makes her chronically unhappy, incapable of feeling loved; incapable of feeling beautiful.

In other words, it sucks.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

Crush Low Self Esteem for Good!

am I ugly or pretty?

If you think you’re suffering from low self esteem, you owe it to yourself to fix it!

Don’t wait for someone to come along and fix it for you. They can’t. You have to do it yourself.

The good news is that you can start fixing your self esteem right here, right now. It’s easier than you think.

Let me show you how.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

1. Criticizing others.

Women constantly critique other women.

Guys do it, too, but women take it to the next level.

They critique other women’s clothes, purses, and shoes. They critique other women’s body types, hairstyles, and makeup.

Women are hard on other women. They’re even harder on themselves.

Criticizing others is a sign of insecurity. Women point out the flaws in others in order to cover up their own.

When you criticize someone for being overweight, what you’re really doing is complimenting yourself for not being overweight.

When you criticize someone for “dressing like a slut,” what you’re really doing is complimenting yourself for not dressing like a slut.

It’s something we all do to feel better about ourselves – not just women. We flatter ourselves by tearing other people down, but it doesn’t work.

Those with high self esteem don’t need to boost their egos in this way. They already feel secure.

If you’re a woman, and you find yourself criticizing the other women you see in malls, at the gym, or at your job, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Give yourself an honest analysis.

If you find that, on some level, you’re just trying to feel better about yourself, then you might be suffering from low self esteem.

It’s okay! You can fix it!

Acknowledging the problem is the first step.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

2. Dating an abusive boyfriend.

signs of low self esteem in a woman

Sometimes women are attracted to men who treat them like dirt.

It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. We’ve all seen it before.

They stay with men who cheat on them, talk down to them, or even beat them. After all the breakups and all the divorces, they keep going back to the same type of guy. Why?

It’s a strange phenomenon that happens for a multitude of reasons. Ultimately, though, it comes down to low self esteem.

Women who subject themselves to abuse unconsciously feel that they deserve to be abused. It’s all they’ve ever experienced, so they think it’s all they can hope for.

At the same time, they lose attraction for men who treat them well. Their self esteem is so low, they can’t imagine a high value man wanting to be with them. If he does, there must be something wrong with him.

He must be lonely. He must be desperate. He must not be a high value man, otherwise he’d be cheating on me.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

3. Thinking men only want you for sex.

signs of low self esteem in a woman

When a woman thinks all she has to offer the world is sex, she tends to dress a little “scandalous.”

She does this in order to maximize the male attention she receives. It works, but it tends to attract guys who only want sex: lounge lizards, pickup artists, players – guys who’s primary hobby is to bed as many women as possible while swearing off long term attachment.

It’s a bad mating strategy if your goal is to fall in love, get married, and progress in life.

With a little more self esteem, that woman might not focus 100% on being sexually attractive. She’d develop her intelligence, her sense of humor, and her talents. She’d look for similar qualities in a man instead of always trying to attract the “bad boy.”

When she finds a man, she doesn’t grant sex too fast. She gives him time to actually crave sex; to become infatuated with her. She dangles the carrot for a while so that her man becomes emotionally attached.

Those with low self esteem think they have to give it up on the first date. Otherwise, why would a guy stick around for a second?

Women with high self esteem, however, know that they’re worth the wait. They expect their man to know it, too.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

4. Feeling ugly.

how to get over with your ex: you've got to start programming your mind with positive affirmations.

So many women feel ugly.

It doesn’t matter how many people tell them they’re beautiful. They put on makeup. They wear great clothes. But when they look in the mirror, they just can’t see a it!

All they can see are their own flaws.

They try to “fix” those flaws by dieting, or getting plastic surgery, or posting sexy pictures on instagram to get “likes.” Some women sleep around in order to feel the sexual validation that comes from being desired.

Unfortunately, the confidence boost these things produce is transient at best. The problem they’re suffering from is low self esteem. It’s a mental condition; not physical. It must be addressed mentally!

Keep reading, and I’ll show you how to do it.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

5. Self deprecating humor.

A woman who constantly jokes about herself often does so because she has low self esteem.

Self deprecating humor is a way of disarming others. It’s a way of telling the world, “Don’t worry about me! I’m no threat. I’m nothing to be jealous of.”

It’s a horrible habit that causes people to lose respect for you, but it’s reflexive in nature and hard to stop.

It’s the result of an instinct for self-preservation. It comes from feeling threatened by anyone and everyone, because you think everyone else is better than you.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

6. Body dismorphic disorder.

why am I so self-conscious? Change your thoughts to change your feelings! signs of low self esteem in a woman

If you look at yourself in the mirror, and see yourself as too fat, too skinny, or too ugly, then you’ve got a serious problem. It’s not a problem with your body, no matter what the millionaire plastic surgeon tells you. 

It’s with your mind!

Anorexics see themselves as fat, no matter how much weight they lose. Some body builders see themselves as skinny, no matter how much muscle they gain.

They aren’t pretending to see it. They’re literally see it! Their insecurities are so powerful, and their self esteem is so low, that it actually distorts their vision.

We all do this. The effect is usually more subtle than the anorexic or the body builder, but it’s there. How we see ourselves in the mirror is always affected by our self esteem.

This is especially true for women because of the pressure society puts on them to be beautiful.

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

How to Fix the Problem!

Positive Affirmations

You can’t boost your self esteem by changing your body. You can’t boost it by dressing sexier, or by bagging a “high value man.”

All of those things are external to your mind, and your mind is where the problem is.

The way to fix your self esteem is to literally train your mind to think highly of yourself!

The more you think anything, the more it becomes a habit to think it. If you keep repeating high self esteem thoughts, sooner or later, they become a part of you. You start to feel them, and they you can’t help but behave accordingly.

Affirmations are a simple and easy method of achieving this.

Why do affirmations work?

Affirmations work because they operate via the subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind doesn’t know truth from fiction. That’s why you get scared when you watch a horror movie. You’re conscious of the fact that monsters aren’t real, but you’re subconscious isn’t so discerning.

It doesn’t know how real the monsters are. It accepts them as real and activates your sympathetic nervous system, putting you into “fight or flight” mode to save your life.

Likewise, your subconscious mind doesn’t know how “real” an affirmation is.

It hears an affirmation, and it makes you feel and behave accordingly.

Tell yourself that you’re beautiful, smart, and funny, and sooner or later, you begin to FEEL it. Tell yourself that you’ve got a powerful self esteem – that it’s absolutely unshakable – and sooner or later, you’ll have it!

Signs of Low Self Esteem in a Woman:

The Method

Read the following affirmations every single day for 5 minutes straight.

You can print out the PDF sheet, or you can watch the video. It’s best to do both.

When you print out the PDF, keep it in a binder. Read it to yourself while sitting or lying in a comfortable location free of distraction. Do it everyday.

Remember to silence your phone. Set a countdown timer, so that you can focus entirely on what you’re reading, instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

If you’re serious about permanently fixing your self esteem, then these are the most important 5 minutes of your day!

The more you read these affirmations, the more they’ll stick in your subconscious mind. Soon enough, you’ll feel them, and then your whole life will improve!

Affirmations for
women's self esteem

  • I believe in myself! 
  • I’m a beautiful woman, both inside and outside.
  • I love who I am. I’ve got tremendous potential! 
  • I’m smart and funny. I’m attractive in every way!
  • My self esteem is rock solid.
  • I love being a woman. I love being me!
  • I stand up for myself. I’ve got incredible self-confidence!
  • I’m smart, talented, and ambitious. I deserve respect!
  • I’m not perfect, but I love myself anyway, flaws and all!
  • I’m gorgeous exactly as I am.

How do you know it’s working?

You know the affirmations are working when you start to enjoy how you look in the mirror.

You’ll stand up for yourself more often. You’ll stop making self deprecating jokes about yourself.

You won’t feel jealous of other women’s bodies, or clothes, or cars. You won’t need any of that to feel secure within yourself.

You’ll walk taller and speak a little louder.

You’ll won’t tolerate abusive boyfriends. You won’t even be attracted to that type of guy anymore. You’ll only date high quality men who treat you with respect.

You’ll feel better about yourself, and your entire vibe will change. This change in vibe will literally make your more attractive to other people. They’ll sense you’re strength and emotional stability, and they’ll respect you for it.

You’ll draw good people into your life like a magnet.

Do the affirmations.

Everyone deserves to enjoy high self esteem. Program yourself to achieve it.

Good luck!

(For more on developing your self esteem as a woman, please see body positivity affirmations, and Am I Ugly, or Pretty?


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