“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Spiritual Affirmations: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin believed that we aren't human beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual beings having a human experience.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Jesuit Priest

Spiritual Affirmations

  • I’m sensitive to the feelings of others.
  • I treat everyone I meet with kindness and respect.
  • I’ve got a great life! I appreciate everything I have.
  • I forgive everyone who’s ever hurt me. I’ve hurt people too, and I’m sorry.
  • I love and accept myself completely, flaws and all!
  • I forgive myself for the mistakes I’ve made.
  • I sympathize with everyone. We’re all just fragile creatures trying to survive in the world.
  • One of the most important things in life is to treat people well!
  • I try to be a source of love and happiness for the people in my life.
  • I care about everyone. I try to help them any way I can.

Spiritual Affirmations:

5 Minutes to banish
anxiety and depression!

Spiritual Affirmations

What’s the point of life?

Like you, I’ve wondered about this, myself.

Some people say it’s to develop your talents. Others say it’s to enjoy your time. Some people believe there is no point at all.

There may be a grain of truth to all of these notions. Or maybe they’re all wrong.

The problem I have is that these notions come from people still in the midst of life itself – they’re still running around, frantically trying to survive like the rest of us. 

They’re subject to the same pressures, customs, and fears, and can only make semi-educated guesses, same as us.

What’s the meaning of life is a big picture question. It’s hard to see the big picture when we’re still in the middle of it. 

It’s hard to see the forest for the trees.

Spiritual Affirmations:

Then Who Should We Ask?

spiritual affirmations: don't let life get you down!

In my opinion, when you’re stuck in a maze, it’s better to ask directions from someone who’s already been through it, rather than someone still trapped inside with you.

That’s why I prefer to get my answer from dead people.

They’ve already finished their journey, and hindsight is always 20/20. The deceased will always be in a better position than us to see, in retrospect, what was important in life and what wasn’t.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to converse with them without some proficiency in the dark arts, which I lack. I am neither a dark wizard, nor a warlock, nor a psychic medium who can channel the spirit world.

But I have read countless testimonies from near death experience survivors – people who’s hearts and brains ceased functioning, often for several minutes, before being revived.

I’ve read hundreds of these stories.

This is what I’ve learned...

spiritual affirmations: near death experiences tell us what's important in life.

Most near death experiences share common features: leaving the body, feeling no pain, meeting guardian spirits and deceased relatives, the feeling of being loved, and the assurance that everything is going to be OK.

The most important feature, however, seems to be the “life review.”

That’s when a person is shown their entire life from beginning to end. They don’t just experience it through their own eyes, though. They see it from the perspective of others.

The people they loved, and who who loved them. The people the feuded with, held grudges against, or hurt in one way or another. The people they ignored, or betrayed, or failed in some way.

For the first time, they’re given perfect knowledge of what everyone else was thinking and feeling. They’re made to understand what a huge impact they’ve had on everyone around them.

The life review can be brutal.

It’s not uncommon for the near death experiencer to fall to their knees, crying, when they realize how many people they’ve hurt. Not just in big ways, either, but in small ways. Because they were angry, or selfish, or just blissfully ignorant about what others were thinking.

There’s usually another entity present in the room – not a judge, but a friend, someone to provide moral support as the deceased person realizes their horrible mistakes, and begins judging themselves too harshly.

Spiritual Affirmations:

Near death experiences change people for the better.

The majority of people who go through a near death experience, especially if they were given a life review, say that the whole point of living is spiritual development. Not winning the Super Bowl, or getting rich, or becoming famous.

They stop caring so much about material things, or their egos, and they start paying attention to how they’re developing spiritually, especially in regards to how they treat others.

What is spiritual development?

It’s the enhanced ability to appreciate everything we have. The ability to stop taking life so seriously and enjoy the present moment. The ability to see the good in other people, and in ourselves.

Most of all, it means to become a more loving person by expanding our awareness of how we affect those around us.

To me, it makes sense that spiritual development should be the point of life. You can’t take money with you when you die, or your house, or anything physical. 

All you can take, apparently, is your consciousness (and your conscience).

Spiritual Affirmations:

Key Aspects of Spirituality

The affirmations on this page are designed to instill in you a few thoughts I think are necessary to grow spiritually. 

They hit on 3 categories:

1. Loving Yourself and Loving Others.

It’s hard to care about other people when your own self esteem is on the verge of collapse.

Most of the misery in the world comes from a lack of self esteem, and the accompanying need to make ourselves feel better, regardless of the cost to others.

I think that’s what’s happening when a corporate tycoon enriches himself by ripping off thousands of investors. He’s already got money, but he needs more, much more, because that’s what it takes for him to feel like a “somebody.”

Same with weapons contractors who pay politicians to start profitable wars. Same with “benevolent” dictators who brutally enslave their own citizens (always under the guise of altruism).

When you love yourself, you feel like a “somebody” no matter what. You don’t need to seek unlimited power, or astronomical profits, in order to feel special.

 You don’t need to retaliate when a driver cuts you off on the freeway, or vow revenge when someone steals your gym shoes, or coworker slaps you with a backhanded compliment.

Loving yourself gives you the ability to love others, ALL others, because you don’t feel like they’re a threat. 

2. Forgiving Yourself and Forgiving Others.

spiritual affirmations: forgiveness is key.

The more aware you become of your own flaws in character, the more inclined you’ll be to forgive the failings of others.

The more forgiveness you afford the world, the more the world tends to forgive you.

Some people never learn this. They never get past step 1: acknowledging their own flaws.

They’re so fragile, they simply cannot permit themselves to see their own shortcomings. Doing so would be psychologically devastating so, like an ostrich, they bury their head in the sand and lash out at anyone who tries to pull them out of it.

The failure to see their own imperfections causes them to impose unrealistically high standards on others, and hold grudges against those who fall short.

And they suffer.

3. Appreciating What You Have

I think a big part of spiritual evolution is learning to appreciate what we have, and recognizing that lots of people in the world don’t have it. The more we appreciate, the better we feel, and feeling good makes us more effective in everything we do.

Appreciation protects us from pessimism, wards off depression, and enables us to actually enjoy our lives instead of envying others.

Try to see the good in your life in every situation. When disaster strikes, people will look at you as a pillar of strength that can be relied on.

Spiritual Affirmations:

The Method

Read these affirmations everyday for 5 minutes straight. (Or watch the video).

Go to a quiet place where you won’t be distracted by people or pets. Silence your phone. Set a countdown timer, so you can concentrate on the affirmations instead of wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes.

You’re going to evolve spiritually one way or another. Life tends to do that whether we like it or not.

These affirmations speed up the process by attuning our minds to what we’re supposed to be concentrating on the most: becoming a more loving person.

Program the right thoughts into yourself, and when you die, you’ll be able to say that you took care of people, made them stronger, and made a conscious effort to minimize the damage you did.

Do the spiritual affirmations.

Good luck!

(The spiritual affirmations on this page are a fantastic way to realign your perceptions, but don’t stop there! Please see affirmations for gratitude, forgiveness, and self love.)


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