“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.”
success affirmations: Mark Twain believed in the power of thought, which is often influenced by other people.
Mark Twain

Success Affirmations

Program yourself to succeed,

  • I’m an ultra successful person!
  • I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
  • I’m a winner! I’m a success spiritually, physically, and financially.
  • I work toward my goals every single day.
  • I’ve got a ton of ambition!
  • I’m the kind of person who succeeds because I pursue my goals relentlessly.
  • I’m a success, and I’ll always be a success!
  • I’m super smart because I try things, I gain experience, and I constantly learn!
  • I’m intelligent, energetic, and determined.
  • People like me were born to win!

Success Affirmations:

See Yourself as the Type of Person WHO SUCCEEDS! (The 5 Minute Method)

success affirmations: the secret to becoming a great success

Who you think you are determines what you do.

If you think of yourself as a criminal, you’ll tend to commit crimes. If you think of yourself as a drug addict, you’ll tend to do drugs. We behave according to our self-concept, and it’s hard to break from that.

Success comes from thinking of yourself as the type of person who succeeds. If you can do that, then you’ll automatically adopt all the behaviors of a successful person – the kinds of behaviors that actually lead to success.

Being determined, never giving up, taking risks with your time and money, staying privy to opportunity, not being afraid of failure. All of this emanates from your self-concept.

By slightly altering who you think you are, you can alter the course of your entire life. You can turn yourself into a massively successful person!

Did you know?

success affirmations: don't let the world institutionalize your mind

Felons become “institutionalized” when they’ve been in jail for so long, they just can’t see themselves living any other way.

They define themselves as prisoners. It’s all they know how to be. If they ever got released, they’d get arrested again, on purpose, because they want to go back.

It’s sad, but it happens.

You can be institutionalized and not even realize it.

We comb our hair the same way for years. We dress the same, talk the same, and vote the same way for decades. Our self-concept becomes an invisible prison we can’t break out of.

That’s fine, because most of our self-concepts actually help us.

We see ourselves as moral, law abiding citizens. We see ourselves as loving parents, loyal friends, and hard workers for our employer. This is good.

The problem occurs when we try to break from who we’ve always known ourselves to be, in order to try something different.

If your hair is naturally black, dying it blond would probably create a ton of anxiety for you. You’d never do it. You see yourself as someone with black hair, you’re used to having black hair, and that’s that.

If you’ve had a thick beard for 20 years, shaving it off would probably feel really weird. You’d feel like you were looking at a stranger in the mirror, and it would be awkward.

Becoming an entrepreneur and making millions of dollars is a huge break from the self-identity most of us have; the identity that says we’re of average intelligence, of average income, and that we’re average in the amount of success we can have.

It’s a huge break from the self-concept of being an employee, content with a steady paycheck, and lucky to have a job at all.

Success Affirmations:

What happens when you believe you’re the type of person who tends to succeed?

success affirmations: program yourself to make more money!

You try harder at whatever you’re engaged in. You know your effort isn’t wasted, so you commit yourself 100% instead of holding back.

By not holding back, you actually increase your chances of winning, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy!

When you expect to succeed, you tend to try more things. That gains you more experience than other people. You learn more. You desensitize yourself to stress more.

Eventually, you take what you’ve learned and you use it to solve problems.

And your success skyrockets.

Success Affirmations:

Compounding Effect

If you believe you’re a success, you’ll start to succeed. When you start to succeed, you believe in yourself even more!

Like a long term investment, your returns grow exponentially. Every success magnifies itself. Every victory leads to more victories.

Momentum! That’s the secret of winning football teams, armies, and multi-million dollar corporations.

The opposite is also true.

Sometimes when a person fails at school, or a sport, or a job, they take it too hard. They start to define themselves as the kind of person who fails.

This causes them to behave in ways that lead to more failures.

They don’t put in as much effort. They give up too soon. They stop trying altogether.

Don’t Be Like That!

By reading success affirmations, you program yourself to think like a winner – like someone who expects to succeed because they do it all the time.

If you take your dreams seriously, and you should, then the affirmations on this page are worth their weight in gold.

success affirmations: whatever you want to do, program yourself to succeed at it! affirmations meaning: the true way to success.

Success Affirmations:

The Method

Read these affirmations over and over for 5 minutes straight. Do it everyday.

Go someplace quiet where you won’t be disturbed by people or pets. Silence your phone. Set a countdown timer so you can focus on your affirmations, rather than wondering how much time has elapsed.

5 minutes.

If becoming a massive success is important to you, than these are the most important 5 minutes of your day.

After a minute or two, you should feel your mind quieting down. You should feel calm and relaxed, almost as if reading affirmations were a form of self hypnosis.

Keep going! 5 minutes is the minimum, but the more time you spend on this, the better.

How do you know when it’s working?

You know it’s working when your confidence increases. When you stop doubting yourself. When it becomes easier to work on your projects, because you know your hard work will pay off in the end.

You’ll stop attributing past victories to “luck,” and start taking the credit you deserve. You’ll start to expect more of yourself, and you’ll live up to those expectations.

Do the affirmations.

You deserve success. Now program yourself to make it happen!

Good luck!

(There are lots of different kinds of success, but if financial success is what you’re looking for, please see affirmations for wealth, money, prosperity, and abundance.)


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