"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little."
Abundant Mentality: Ben Sweetland, famous author and psychologist, believed in the power of your mind to create wealth.
Ben Sweetland
Psychologist, Author

Affirmations for an
abundant Mentality

  • The universe gives me all the resources I need!
  • Scarcity is a myth. Money comes to me all the time.
  • The universe has an abundance of wealth!
  • There are millions of ways to get rich! All it takes is a little effort.
  • Wealth is pouring into my life constantly.
  • I’m a wealthy person in body and mind. I’m rich, happy, and healthy!
  • I’ve been blessed with a great life. I’m grateful for everything I have!
  • I’m a genius at making money! 
  • The world is full of opportunity.
  • I’m constantly finding investments to grow my wealth!

The Rich Create an Abundant Mentality:

Here's their secret method!

Abundant Mentality: You can create it easily with affirmations!

Why do some people stay poor their whole lives, while others get rich multiple times?

If one business fails, they just build another one. If one project doesn’t pan out, they’ve got 2 or 3 other projects that do.

These people never run out of ideas, and they never stop climbing.

What’s their secret?

abundant mentality: the secret to getting rich!

The wealthiest people in the world tend to have what can only be described as an “abundant mentality.”

They believe that creating wealth is just a matter of coming up with a plan, then working hard every day to make it work.

They don’t worry that all the best ideas have been taken. They know ideas are a dime a dozen.

They don’t worry that all the best real estate investments have already been sold. They know good properties come on the market all the time.

They don’t cry about not investing in Bitcoin when it was trading at 1 cent per share. They know there’s tons of investments that can turn a fat profit.

To them, the world is absolutely full of opportunity, and they intend on taking advantage of as much as they can.

Focusing on abundance, rather than scarcity, gives them the motivation to succeed. It protects them from getting discouraged when things get tough. It energizes them. 

It guarantees their eventual success.

How to Develop an Abundant Mentality

1. The first step is to appreciate what you already have.

Most people don’t appreciate what they have. They constantly look at richer people for something to envy. If their neighbor gets a sports car, they want a sports car. If their neighbor gets a boat, they want a boat.

The problem is that no matter how you have, there’s always someone with more. If you constantly compare yourself to other people at or above your own level, you’ll never feel rich.

It’s much healthier to focus on those who have less than you, and believe me, there are many MORE people with less than you than with more.

Focusing on those with less than you will enable you to appreciate what you have. It will make you feel like like the fortunate one. It will make you feel like a success, which is crucial to actually becoming a success.

The universe likes it when you appreciate what it’s already given you. Appreciation makes it want to give you more.

2. Believe that more is coming!

You’ve already receive so much. Why wouldn’t you believe the universe is ready to bestow even more upon you?

If you want a life of abundance, you have to believe the universe favors you; that it’s your destiny to become rich.

You have to believe that the universe is overflowing with everything you could ever want, and all you have to do is ask in order to receive it.

Again, the key here is appreciating what you already have.

Appreciate your own intelligence.. Recognize that it’s more than enough to succeed financially.

Appreciate whatever money you have. Recognize that you can turn it into millions if you want to.

When you appreciate what the universe has already given you, you automatically expect more, and expectation becomes reality. When you believe it’s relatively easy to obtain wealth, you’re more inclined to actually take action and go after it!

Why wouldn’t you? It’s all right there for the taking. All you have to do is reach and grasp it.

3. Affirmations train your mind to focus on abundance!

Some people are in the habit of thinking about what they don’t have. They constantly think about how difficult it is to pay their bills. They worry about not having enough.

Don’t be like that.

Become the kind of person who constantly thinks about what they have and what they can obtain. Be the kind of person who focuses on abundance, and you’ll attract abundance into your life.

Affirmations enable you to do this. By repeating them often enough, you make them habitual, at which point they start to affect how you think and behave on a daily basis. 

The secret is daily repetition. Repeat any thought often enough, and it becomes a habit. Your habits of thought determine the course of your entire life!

This isn’t just about money; it’s about everything!

Your relationships. Your health. Your experiences. Your talents.

The more you appreciate, the more you expect. The more you expect, the more the universe gives it you! It’s been trying to give it to you all along, you just didn’t see it. By developing an abundant mentality, you finally can.

More Benefits of the Abundant Mind

It gives you the courage to take more chances in life. It gives you the optimism you need to tolerate calculated risks others shy away from.

You won’t be terrified of failing in one project because you’ll learn from it. Then you’ll apply what they’ve learned to the next project.

Having an abundant mentality makes you more generous.

You’ll donate to charity more easily, because you’ll know you can always make more. When you feel strong financially, you’ll also feel an obligation to take care of those less fortunate.

It’s not like that for those with a focus on scarcity. They’re usually terrified of giving money away, regardless of how much they have. To them, money is hard to come by, so they have to have be stingy and hang on to it as much as they can.

The universe favors generous people, not stingy. The law of karma dictates that what you put out is exactly what you receive back. By being generous with your wealth, wealth will come right back to you. This is the principle of “tithing” that so many wealthy people swear by.

Elon Musk: A Master of the Abundant Mentality

Elon Musk: A Master of the Abundant Mentality

After Elon Musk sold Paypal, he put all of the profits into Tesla and Space X, leaving practically no money for himself to live on.

It didn’t matter that he had to sleep on the couch in his office, because he had no money for rent. He had faith that his projects would turn a profit eventually, if he just kept working on them.

He also believed, as so many successful entrepreneurs do, that if he lost all of his money, he could just make it back again.

Now THAT’S an abundant mentality. It’s something we should all strive to develop.

Getting Started

Start telling yourself over and over that there is plenty of money in the world. Resources are abundant. Everything you need is right there in front of you.

All you have to do is reach out and grab it by investing in real estate, or starting a business, or doing something to make money.

Remind yourself that if you “fail,” it’s okay. Failure is all part of the learning process. You’ll succeed eventually if you just keep going. There’s just too much money in the world not to succeed.

The amount of money in the world is practically infinite (especially since the advent of “fiat” currency). Even if you became ultra rich, you’d only be taking possession of an tiny, infinitesimally small piece of it.

That’s all you need.

At the same time, remind yourself that what you have is already more than enough. As long as you’ve got clothes on your back and a roof over your head, you’re doing just fine! Thank the universe sincerely for all that it’s given you.

Then ask for more.

Remember, 689 million people live on less than $1.90 per day. You’re extremely successful compared to them.

You just got to learn to start seeing the glass as half full.

Abundant Mentality:

The Method

This page provides you with two ways to immediately start using affirmations.

The first method is to watch the video.

Bookmark this page and watch that video every single day, at least once. It’s designed to realign your perceptions, so that you can see the abundance all around you already.

The second method, equally powerful, is to print out the PDF sheet, also at the top of this page. Read it to yourself every day for 5 minutes straight.

Silence your phone. Set a countdown timer. That way, you can focus on the affirmations instead of frequently wondering how much time has elapsed.

The more you work on your affirmations, the more you permanently change your thinking. By changing your thinking, you change your habitual behaviors.

The richest people on earth have an abundant mentality. It’s their secret weapon. Now it’s your weapon, too.

Do the affirmations.

Program yourself to not only recognize abundance, but to create it.

Good luck!

(To supercharge your journey toward abundance, please see affirmations for wealth, prosperity, and finances.)


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